The hurt in her eyes as she snaps her face toward me shifts into anger. "You dare call me by that name? I am your mother. I have sacrificed so much for you and all you want to do is throw it away for some adolescent who probably doesn't know the difference between a bill and an invoice. It was bad enough you hired her, but now? I saw it the night of the party. You're just like your father and she's going to poison you against me."
I step between her and Claire, putting myself in the path of the gun. "Edward, get the girls out of here and take that guy to one of Armande's meat lockers."
Edward sighs. The pause before his words tell me he's ready to protest, but he doesn't. "Whatever you say, Julian."
Claire, on the other hand, isn't being as compliant. "What the hell is she talking about?"
"She thinks I'm going to—" I pause because I truthfully don't know either, turning to my mother. "Wait, how am I like Charleston? I'm not married. I'm not cheating on my wife. Claire's not some mistress to poison me against you. She's the love of my life."
Bianca shoots a round into the air. "Say it again and I'll put a bullet through that thick skull of yours. I love you, but you can be so stupid. You're ruining everything. Claire cannot leave here alive. Charleston had one fucking job. Make sure the bitch goes out with the trash. You would have gotten your money back over the course of the race through the campaign contributions."
"This is not about the money," I tell her. "This is about you and Charleston always trying to manipulate me. What makes you think that killing Claire, taking one of the few people who bring me joy—What made you think killing her was going to benefit either of you?"
Kill Charleston.
I take a step closer to Bianca, ensuring she puts all of her attention on me because I believe in my heart that she won't shoot me. If she went through all this to protect me, she's not going to kill me now. Or maybe she will? She's going to protect me from myself.
"I have the perfect woman for you, Julian." Her words come out quickly, erratic and make me worry about her descent into madness. "Everything would have worked out perfectly. She's beautiful, you've already been working together, and she can be paid."
One more step brings her focus to me and only me, forcing her to aim her gun square into the center of my chest.
"Was this your plan, Mother? You're going to shoot your only son because he loves a woman who isn't you?"
She sobs uncontrollably. "You always picked someone else. Just like Charleston. You always picked someone else. He owed me and so do you. You owe me this."
I hold my hand out. Men like my father are the reason this is happening. Men like my father drive women like my mother to madness.
"I never picked anyone over you, Mother. You left Charleston, and I paid for that week after week, broken bone after broken bone. He would have killed us both back then. He nearly killed me. Give me the gun. I'm not choosing anyone over you. I'm choosing you."
I can see her resolve wavering as she lowers her gun, but in an instant, changes her mind. Bianca raises the gun. The thud of a bullet hitting her in the shoulder from off to my right has me whirling to see where it’s come from. The zip of it silently knocks her back, forcing the gun to fall from her hand while sparing her life, is the sign of a phenomenal marksman.
Her screams of pain breakdown into sobs as she sinks to the ground, leaving a trail of blood from her wound down the side of her car.
What the fuck and why?
I still can't piece it all together and I don't want to at the moment. Three black vans with tinted windows pull up as Bianca Marzano sits against her car, a vacant stare in her eyes as Julian kicks the gun out of her reach.
Bonnie's picked up and carried off somewhere, and Danny's still guilt ridden over her actions in tonight's chaos. Julian approaches us both, pulling me into his arms and kissing me tenderly on the forehead before balking at the odor coating every inch of my body.
"Fuck, what is that smell?" he asks.
I toss a glance over my shoulder. "They held us in some sort of garbage sorting room. I figure since they're not wearing masks, they never intended to let us go. Probably would have left us in that trash room where no one would find the bodies. Bonnie saved us. She took control and got me through it, got us out here where she put herself in harm's way."
Danny approaches us, her eyes watering with tears. "Julian, Mr. Blackwell, I mean, I'm so sorry about all of this. I didn't know this is what The Judge wanted. He only told me to keep Claire busy while he spoke to you. He never said these men would take us. I'm so sorry."
"Charleston was blackmailing her, Julian," I tell him. "This isn't her fault."
"I know too well what Charleston Blackwell is capable of. Let's get you home, and Bonnie to the hospital." Julian's words are solemn.
My curiosity won't let me just walk away. "What are you going to do about your parents?"
"Disown them, bury one and put the other one in a padded room where she can't hurt anyone else." Julian's words are ripe with certainty as he leads me away from a place where I could have taken my last breath.
There aren't enough showers and baths in the world to scrub a memory of trauma. While the stench no longer hangs around me like a dark cloud, the flashes of bodies bleeding out on the floor haunt me over the next few days and nights. The sounds of gunshots startle me awake, giving me a brand-new set of terrors to dream about alongside the death of my father.