"You two are disgusting," Bianca hisses and slurs. "Just like your father. Dirty old man. Did you see him? With the two spinning tops? Bimbo and Bimbette? How dare he show up to the announcement of your political campaign, not wait for me to announce it with him. Then, he has the audacity to drag along Ram and Tam to show off his virility?"
"They're not being dragged, Miss Marzano," I tell her with a smirk, nudging my chin toward Charleston and his dates. "They're being twirled."
Bianca sways with anger as she lunges at me. Bonnie's training kicks in as I slide and duck. Gravity does most of the work, causing her to collide into Julian, who props his mother up.
"Zio, take her home," Julian snarls.
Shades of scarlet wash over Bianca's face as she causes a scene, belting her true feelings for everyone to hear. "That's right because this place is no longer my home! That animal fucked his whores here and you're no different. You parade this bride-child around as if she's not holding you back from your true potential. Our lives are so far from where they're supposed to be. You and that vile piece of scum I let come inside of me, you both ruined me."
The way she aggressively shoves Julian away from her forces him to back off. He adjusts the lapels of his jacket as his uncle grips Bianca by the shoulders.
Armande steers Bianca toward the exit, but she stops him, continuing her rant. "All I wanted was to celebrate my son's announcement for his run, his run in the race for City Councilman. To show my face as a part of this god forsaken family and actually show we're more than the criminals they believe us to be. This is what you do to me."
"Mother," Julian sighs, pressing his fingers into his forehead to stave off what I'm sure is an oncoming headache.
"You let these snobs whisper behind our backs, but spend our money in their faces," Bianca stammers. "The least they can do is put money into your campaign, but you and your father just had to leave me out."
"I was left out of this decision," Julian barks, but takes a deep breath and turns away. He doesn't use the microphone but raises his hands to make sure everyone's attention is still on him. "Thank you all for coming out tonight. Please accept my apology for this outburst. I will hold a press conference in the coming weeks to confirm or delay my candidacy. Running for office doesn't just affect me."
He turns to me, a show that he values what a political run will do to me. Heat blooms across my cheeks and chest as Bianca snarls and storms off. Julian continues to hold the crowd's attention masterfully.
"Now, please enjoy the rest of your night." Julian lets them get back to enjoying themselves. He returns to my side with frustration in his eyes as he whispers to me. "I'm sorry, Claire."
"Five," I tell him.
He raises an eyebrow. "Five what?"
"That's five apologies you've given to me tonight. At least four of them were unnecessary," I giggle. "The last one is valid because your parents."
"Yeah." He shoves his hands into his pockets. "I'll take care of them. In what world do they think they can force me into politics? After all the shit?—"
I touch his hand lightly, drawing his gaze toward mine. "You owe me four days."
"You're right and after the shit show on full display tonight, I owe you so much more than that."
The days after Claire's birthday party pass in a blur as I field questions from reporters, columnists, and gossip blogs, looking for the scoop on my political campaign. I could kill Charleston for using the party to force my hand. It isn't lost on me that my intention for the party wasn't to celebrate Claire either, but my goal to ruin Carmine is in her best interest.
Edward's on edge, ready to roll over anyone harassing me for comment. It's bad enough people are staking out the front of Nuvola just to get a picture or some newsworthy clip. I can't help but wonder if something's going on behind the political scenes.
The number of times I hear Claire telling someone 'No Comment' over the phone is annoying at best. When she knocks on my office door, I fully expect her to quit for the day. Instead, she's holding a thick folder in her hand with a timid expression on her face.
"It's ready." She places the folder on my desk. "You have about twenty minutes before that conference call with Ellison Global. So, if you want to take a glance at it, maybe give me some pointers on how to clean it up for the presentation with the Executives?"
"I'd be happy to, Claire. Thank you for this. I appreciate all of your hard work and initiative." The light grey folder has a stack of pages inside that I glance at as she stands eagerly in front of my desk, waiting for my evaluation.
An interruption from just outside my office door stops me from looking any further. A man rushes into my office. A man I don't know. My reaction is immediate, propelling myself out of the chair to pull Claire away from him. He's panting with curly grey hair, clearly an older gentleman, but he extends a hand that's holding his phone at an awkward angle for me to speak into the mic.
In his other hand is a handheld video camera, as he pelts me with questions. "Julian, is there any truth to the rumor that Armande Marzano is financing your political aspirations? As your uncle is a powerful businessman around the city, allegedly tied to the mafia underworld, isn't there a clear conflict of interest? Surely you know about his rejected requests to overturn particular properties from landmarks into commercial spaces. Is that on your list of policies to tackle once you're in office?"
"How the hell did you get in here?" I ask him.
"No comment," Claire adds from behind me.
Three men in suits appear in my doorway to drag the reporter out of my office. Edward walks in with Fiona on his heels.