Page 42 of Sinister Devotion

"What did he do?"

"I don't want to ruin this evening. Let's talk about it later. I'll have Edward work on getting him out of here before my temper ruins everybody's night. Just stay away from him, and from now on, you tell Bonnie or Edward if you see him anywhere throughout your day."

"Okay." She also turns to look at the cars on the mess of a lawn and back to me. "I'm sorry. I vetted the drivers. They swore they'd put down a temporary cover to protect it, Julian."

More late guests arrive, and Devon Shaughnessy is among them as he comes in at the tail end of our conversation.

Claire jumps in before I can say anything, scolding him. "I told you not to come. You need to leave, Devon. Now, please."

"Well, happy birthday, Princess." Devon beams with an air of arrogance I can't stand.

"Why don't you listen?" she asks him.

"Please, don't make a scene." I warn him. "Just leave."

"I just got here. Relax man. I was invited." Devon's deliberately pushing me as if this tuxedo can't come off. My attire does a phenomenal job at hiding just how lethal I can be. He's pushing me on a night when my rage is simmering, ready to explode.

"Don't let this," I circle my finger around at the manor and start shrugging off my jacket, "fool you into thinking I won't smash your face into this cobblestone. Claire asked you nicely. I told you respectfully. If you make the mistake of having either one of us repeat ourselves, you'll be removed forcibly and you'll be out of a job."

Claire touches me gently on the shoulder, and Devon puts his hands up in surrender. "Fine. Alright. Don't get all pissy with me. Let me grab my car before they tear up more grass with it. Why aren't they using a lawn cover?"

I growl through clenching teeth as Claire circles around to face me. She's beautiful and despite me planning this event without her in mind at first, I know how much of a mistake that was.

"I'm sorry, Claire. He wouldn't be here if I did this for the right reasons. I should have just taken you away to Malta or somewhere," I sigh.

"Julian," the softness in her voice soothes my raging beast. "Why did you throw this party?"

"The majority of the people on the guest list are politicians and others who affect real estate purchases and property use around the city. I needed them on my side for the business deal I'm working on with Fiona."

"The charity work to turn the properties into affordable housing?"

My body is on constant alert out here. We have to head back inside, but I won't leave our conversation as it is. "Yeah, but Mr. Scarpella being in the office the day you dropped off those documents makes me think he's the reason 75% of Fiona's deals fell through. I lost a lot of money because of him."

"I'm sorry, Julian?—"

I cut her off. "Carmine Scarpella is to blame. Not you, so don't apologize for doing your job."

The conversation ends abruptly when I see a stretch limo circling the cobblestone drive and pulling to a stop. "For fuck's sake."

"It's going to be fine, Julian," Claire smiles softly, but the charge in the air is palpable. It's not going to be fine. Every fiber of my being is telling me that this night is going to end in disaster.

The minute I see Charleston step out of the limousine with two giggling women a few years older than Claire, I want to bang my head against a wall.

"I'm sorry, Claire," I apologize to her again.

"For every unnecessary apology you utter tonight, Julian, it will cost you."

Now that's interesting. My smirk is unstoppable. "Cost me what exactly?"

"I don't know yet. Five minutes of nipple clamps and a cock ring with me teasing you until you're about to explode, but you'll never come. Or one day of your undivided attention," she says quietly as Charleston approaches us.

"I'm sorry," I tell her with a devious smile.

"You're not supposed to enjoy this."

"I won't, I promise. I'm sorry, Claire," I mumble as she shoves me playfully.

"Mr. Blackwell, thank you for coming," Claire says to my father, extending a hand he shakes for a few more seconds than I like. I can sense her disgust with him, gritting her teeth to bite back what she actually wants to say. However, the women on his arm are keeping him somewhat docile.