Page 40 of Sinister Devotion

"How would you feel about placing Fiona on the Board of Directors for the charity organization?"

His smile fades as he shakes his head. "Don't. She needs to concentrate on her job. How about you focus on the goals and operations of the foundation, first? We'll tackle the Board and its members when we have everything else lined up. Good work, Claire. I'm proud of what you're trying to do for Nuvola, for me."

"Thank you, Julian."

I smile as he comes closer, kissing me on the forehead and letting me get back to work. There are a ton of questions I have that I need to do more research on. Each book leads me to another. Some lead me to my phone, where social media has some interesting viewpoints that push me back into the books. It excites me to compare the work I'm doing now to the work waiting for me in the office tomorrow.

It's becoming so much clearer why Julian's successful at his business, at running his company. His drive to accomplish corporate dominance in his sector stems from wanting to take care of the people who take care of him.

Monday morning rolls around and everything runs like clockwork as I train with Bonnie in the morning, map out Julian's day, and tick off my assigned tasks as his assistant. In my free time, I keep myself buried in my research until Fiona finds her way to Julian's office.

The angry stomp of her stiletto heeled feet as she juggles her messy binder doesn't give me hope for our interaction. She drops the heavy three-ringed portfolio onto my desk with a thud that draws the attention of nearby workers.

"Good morning, Miss Douglas. Is there anything I can do for you?" I ask her.

"You can start by telling me about any calls to Julian regarding the recent real estate properties he's in negotiations to buy."

Evidence of confusion rolling over my face forces her to roll her eyes and puff out an exhale of frustration. Despite her annoyed expression, I tell her. "I am not at liberty to discuss any phone calls that Mr. Blackwell makes or receives. You'll have to get clarity from him."

"I would," she runs her tongue over her teeth and glances away from me. "But he's not responding to any of my messages, emails, or phone calls."

"Oh? That's odd."

"Yes, it is. I am the Chief Financial Officer. He should not be ignoring me. I've been calling since Friday."

"I sent out a memo saying he wasn't to be disturbed this weekend. Why would you insist on ignoring that?" I ask her.

"Because you two were spotted out and about. A CEO and his assistant were seen having a picnic by the bridge. While you two were out molesting each other under the Gold Gate, my phone was ringing off the hook. Three out of the four deals I'm in the middle of closing have collapsed for one reason or another. I'm starting to think they backed out because Julian's been wasting time on his pretty little assistant."

I lower my voice, leaning forward to ensure only she hears me. "But if this isn't supposed to be public information, how do the sellers know that Julian is buying the properties, or that he's wasting time on his assistant?"

"That's a great question indeed, Claire," Julian says from behind Fiona. Her face pales as she straightens up, turning around to face him. Full dark brown brows scrunch together above those olive-green eyes. He sighs, saying, "Claire, you can take off the rest of the day, I know you have a lot of research to get through for your proposal. Fiona, let's talk in my office about the separation between professional and personal lives, and how I'd like to keep you out of my personal one."

I notice the shifty gaze from a clerical worker passing by, undoubtedly excited to have some gossip for the rumor mill. I don't hesitate to shut everything down and head out of the office.

An early lunch is perfect, and I'm able to have Bonnie take me to a great Thai place where Danny meets us to discuss the party this weekend. Danny's speaking to some guy that has Bonnie on edge as we approach.

"Who is that?" I whisper to Bonnie.

"I don't know," Bonnie replies, taking a step to put herself between me and the shady guy her sister is speaking to. He's only shady because the thick sunglasses he has on blocks most of his face. He's also wearing ash black denim shorts with a polo shirt tucked into them. He's definitely older, but purposely trying to go unnoticed. It's, I don't know, weird?

"Hey, Danny." My voice reaches her, causing her to turn in my direction. But her weird friend flinches before mumbling something and speed walking away from the restaurant.

"Who was that?" Bonnie asks. Authority embodies her tone.

Danny huffs, fluffing her newly cut pastel pink bangs. They're bright against the rest of her black hair that's cut to her shoulders. I can see Bonnie doesn't like it, as she swats Danny's hand away to stop her from fidgeting with it. It's a nervous tick of sorts with Danny whenever Bonnie's being more of a parent than a sister. I love the color of her hair.

"I love your haircut, Danny," I tell her.

Danny flashes a toothy grin as she turns to me. "Good, because it matches the dress I found to wear to your birthday party. I'm excited to come. How are things coming along for you?"

"Don't ignore me, Danny. Who was that weird guy?" Bonnie asks.

Danny clicks her tongue, indifferent to Bonnie's mood. "An old friend who wanted me to deliver a message to someone who'll be at that party of yours, Claire. It's the talk of the town, apparently. You'd be surprised to know how many people don't know it's for an eighteen-year-old's birthday."

"The party planning is going great. I've added a few people to the guest list and will have to take one off. But overall, I'm excited to let loose. Everything's been so serious lately. I'm ready to have some fun with a bunch of people celebrating my birthday. Even if they don't realize it's my birthday."

We finally head inside the restaurant where lunch flies by just as fast as the rest of the week. It's finally time to celebrate.