Page 26 of Sinister Devotion


The conversation between Julian and his father is barely audible, but I hear enough to know Julian's kicking Charleston out of his office. I sit at my desk, going through my tasks for the day and trying to distract myself from the fact that Julian's rejected me again. I wish I can make him see that I'm more than enough woman and he can let himself go. Although I understand our relationship looks problematic, and his father's reputation doesn't help, I do want us to be happy together.

Fiona heads toward the office and I have to stop her before she walks inside while Charleston's still in there. Since she doesn't know, she takes it personally, as if I'm doing it to annoy her.

"You do realize that I'm the Chief Financial Officer, right?" she says with a tone of superiority.

I try my hardest not to roll my eyes, but she makes it so hard to like her. "I do, but?—"

She cuts me off with a hand which, oddly enough, isn't carrying her goofy binder, just a flimsy folder and manila envelope. "No. There's no follow up needed. I need to see Julian and you're stopping me from doing my job. As a matter of fact, I'm going to help you help me help you, Claire. Especially since you haven't taken me up on my offer from yesterday."

"I've been busy all morning, fielding calls and rescheduling meetings. Mr. Blackwell has been busy. What is it that you need exactly?" I ask, confusion riding my face, I'm sure.

"Have Julian sign these documents. They ensure the properties he's snatching up will get the inspections needed to turn them into low-income housing developments. So yay, we're doing things for the community. Then put them in this envelope and take them to the address on this envelope."


"Miss Douglas," she corrects.

I let out a huff of frustration. "Miss Douglas, I'm already behind on several tasks as it is and don't have time to run your errands."

"You are the executive assistant and I'm an executive. Assist me, Claire," she demands as she approaches the door to Julian's office again. It's like our conversation from yesterday didn't even happen. It looks like she's only willing to help me if it can serve her, or if no one knows she's taking an interest in my career.

I get out of my seat to stand in her way. "I was trying to tell you he has someone in his office and isn't available."

The door swings open just then for Charleston to come out, his energy causing Fiona to step back, and me to the side, back toward my desk. His loud booming voice makes him sound like he's using a bullhorn. "Oh, is that my Fee-Fee? It's been a long time. You should swing by my chambers."

Fiona's mouth curls with disgust and rightfully so. Charleston Blackwell has the ability to make you feel dirty with a simple greeting. I hate speaking to him because everything he says has some kind of sexual undertone to it.

Fiona doesn't stand for it as she tells the Blackwell patriarch, "Do you mean the same chambers they forced you to retire from early after revealing your inappropriate relationship with a certain judicial aide?"

"You watch who you're talking to like that, Fee-Fee. I still have—" Charleston sneers, lowering his tone to insinuate something between them.

Fiona doesn't care about the perceived power Charleston's trying to wield over her, continuing on to say, "Oh wait, wasn't it the scandalous interoffice messages to other clerks within the court offices that had you removed? No, I know, I bet it was the underage child you tried to solicit for sexual services."

"That's a foul and vicious rumor which was unsubstantiated and you'd better mind what comes out of that mouth, Fee-Fee, before I give you something to come in it."

Fiona won't back down, making me proud of her as she tells him, "Don't call me Fee-Fee. As a matter of fact, don't call me anything or I'll slam you with so many sexual harassment lawsuits and criminal charges you won't be able to sit until you're locked inside a cell in Pelican Bay. You are a vile creature and I wish you a long excruciating life-ending disease which causes that little prick of yours to fall off."

I've never before seen the shade of crimson which across Charleston's face the way it is now. I'm uncertain if it's anger, embarrassment, or both. I cock my head to the side wondering if he's literally going to blow his top like a volcano. It's obvious they have history, but this exchange clearly highlights that whatever their relationship is, or was, the benefits weren't mutual.

He snarls, balling up his fist and looks ready to swing on Fiona when Julian comes out from behind him, putting himself in his father's path. Edward isn't too far behind as he walks at a breakneck pace to get over to us, wanting to put out this fire before it has the chance to explode in front of any employees who aren't already watching the shit show unfold.

"Thanks for stopping by, Dad," Julian says, with his eyes darting between his father and Fiona. "Uh, Edward is having your car brought around. I'll see you on the 15th for the party. Remember to bring your gift for Claire."

"Oh god, he's invited?" Fiona blurts out the question with her face still flushed from her interaction with Charleston.

"Woman, you're going to pay for that mouth of yours one way or another. Some guy's going to sock you good one of these days." Charleston warns Fiona as Edward firmly nudges him toward the elevator bank with a hand firmly pressed against his back.

Fiona can't stop herself from getting in the last word. "If anyone I don’t like puts their hands on me, they're going to get a bullet where the sun doesn’t shine."

"Fiona," Julian admonishes as he glances at me. I shrug. The way his brows push together with frustration lets me know I'm going to bear the blame for this fiasco. "Claire, I need to see you in my office now. Fiona, did you take care of those contracts for me?"

"Actually, I put the assistant on it." Fiona says with a nonchalant sigh. "As a matter of fact, she can handle all of the correspondence deliveries for the executives this morning. It makes sense to have her interact with all of the departments if she's going to advance her career."

I turn toward Julian, waiting for him to debate this with her, to tell her I belong to him, but he doesn't. Instead, he nods in agreement. Fuck this.

"In my office, Claire. Thank you, Fiona. I apologize for Charleston. He's always an ass." Julian dismisses Fiona as I slink into his office like a kid being called into the principal's office. He shuts the door behind him and unleashes fury in a deathly quiet tone. "Do you have any idea why I have Charleston Blackwell on my Do Not Allow list?"