Page 49 of Sinister Devotion

"According to my sources, it wasn't on purpose. The guy who stole your car all those years ago didn't expect your Dad to fight for you. Your father wouldn't let the guy leave with you in the back seat. Derek got a bullet and you got pulled out. I'm sorry Claire."

"So, what happened to him? The man who shot my father?"

Julian looks away. "He was taken care of."

"By whom? You? Edward?"

"Armande. I'm handling the corporate killing of Carmine, he's taking care of the street side of things. I know this is a lot, Claire."

"It's more than a lot, Julian, it's the missing piece to a giant fucking puzzle I've been trying to piece together for so long. Why would someone like you take me in? Train me like I'm applying to be some mercenary. You are at war with a mob boss. Your guilt and loyalty to my father?—"

"Has kept you safe," he stammers through clenching teeth. "I'm tired of keeping things from you, Claire. If you're ready to pursue anything with me?—"

I cut him off this time. "Don't do that to me. You could have told me this before I shoved your cock down my throat."

"I gave you what you wanted. I'm not always a good man, Claire. I don't always make the right choices. I'm fucked-up most days, and the only thing that keeps me sane is my purpose. My purpose to keep this company as profitable as it is because it employs thousands of people and now, protecting you is a part of that purpose."

"I need some time to sit with all of this."

And like a bell ringing to end a boxing round, my phone shouts its generic ringtone from my desk just outside his closed office door. Thankfully, it's Danny. Just the distraction I need to step away from this disaster Charleston managed to leave behind.

"Hi, Danny. How are you feeling?" I ask her.

"Much better. Hey, listen, I'm going to be near your office later, around four. If you want, I can take you out as promised to celebrate your birthday."

"I'd love that. You don't care if Bonnie comes, right?" I ask her. "I don't think she's off the clock until after eight."

"That's fine. I promise not to make fun of her." There's an awkward cadence in Danny's tone, but I ignore it and confirm the details of us meeting up later.

After getting off the phone with Danny, I poke my head into Julian's office. "I'm going out with Danny tonight."

"Claire, I don't think that's a good idea."

"Well, it's a good thing that it's not your idea then. Bonnie will be with us, on duty. I was just giving you a heads up since I need to get out of this office. The stench of Charleston and his trail of bullshit devours everything in his path. Someone needs to put a bullet in him."

I pause, shaking my head and realize I'm thinking like a Blackwell, not like Sue-Ellen Anderson. At this point, she's the only reasonable person I know and the fucked-up part is that I don't have a vivid memory of her. They're all on videos, pictures and in the mind of 2-year-old Claire.

I need to clear my head, get my mind wrapped around it all. I leave Nuvola with Bonnie, only coming back to the building later in the day to grab Danny so we can go out to eat. It's the only piece of normalcy in my life right now, and it's exactly what I need.

Bonnie's taking turns and heading toward an area of The Bay I'm unfamiliar with. It's only when Bonnie notices the drastic change of scenery that she speaks up.

"Danny, I know you said this place was popular?—"

Danny cuts Bonnie off. "It is. There's this influencer, they go by Beef Belief, and they just rate restaurants and this place is supposed to have the best Mexican-Japanese fusion menu on the West Coast. I've been dying to go and I really want you guys to try it with me."

"Danny, this neighborhood is a no-go. Pick somewhere else," Bonnie tells Danny as she pulls over, refusing to drive further.

"Okay," Danny says without any fight whatsoever. Normally it's a knock down drag out argument between the two of them whenever Bonnie tells Danny to do something. Danny is naturally combative when it comes to Bonnie, but I guess since this is for my birthday dinner, she can simply pick another spot to eat.

By the time Danny picks a restaurant, the sun's already set and the evening air feels alive. It's just a Wednesday, but it feels like a weekend as we drive past small restaurants with live music blaring from inside. However, Danny takes us even further past every place that looks fun. When we end up at a steakhouse, I feel underdressed in my clothes from work. The clothes I had sex in and hadn’t thought any further about.

"There's no parking over here." Bonnie grimaces as she turns over each shoulder to gaze out of the car windows. "Um, you two head inside and I'll come join you in a second."

Danny and I get out of the SUV and walk inside where a host stands at a podium. I whisper to Danny. "I think we need a reservation."

She shrugs it off. "Probably, just come outside with me to make a call and I'll have us put on the reservation list. The service is shit in here."

I follow Danny outside as she holds her phone away from her body to get a signal. She walks away from the restaurant and I continue to follow her.