Page 100 of Surface Pressure

When she reached the wall, she knocked against her side of the unnatural hard surface. She repeated Autumn’s pattern with her knuckles, learning quickly that too hard hurt and too soft made no noise at all.

“I’m so sorry.” Autumn’s pain was palpable through the wall.

“Did Honour get away? Did she still have the cylinder?”

“Yes. I mean, I think so.”

“We’re going to get out of here.” Soulara’s voice filled with a fury like none other.


“After all this time, are you still underestimating my people?”

“I don’t want to, but I’m afraid you’re underestimating mine.”

“Oh no. They’re on our planet, and we’ll always have the upper hand.”

What Soulara wouldn’t have given to be able to wrap her arms around Autumn and hold her close, kiss her skin, and help her understand that the war had only just begun. They weren’t done yet.

“Autumn. Listen to me.” Soulara waited a beat before continuing. “Are you listening?”

“Yes.” Autumn’s voice was stronger now, and Soulara took solace from it.

“When I said it’s our planet, I didn’t for a second mean me and my people.”


“I meant you and me. This is our home now, and no one, not even that murderous bastard has the power to take it away. Do you know why?”

“Why?” This time the question was filled with a smile.

Soulara smiled along as she replied. “Because it’s ours, and no one can take the love we have for each other away. No wall can stop me from holding you, from loving you. And we have this to fight for.”

“I’ll fight for you, Soulara. I’ll fight until the end.” Autumn’s small chuckle was filled with something Soulara didn’t quite understand. “Who would’ve thought I had to travel across worlds to find my real home.”

Soulara put her hand flat against the surface of the wall. She imagined Autumn doing the same. She could picture Autumn in her mind’s eye, standing on her own side in a room identical to the white blankness that surrounded Soulara.

A loud scream, mechanical and high pitched, brought Soulara to her knees. She slapped her hands, palms flat, against her ears but it did little to quell the violence the sound caused in her head.

The silence hurt almost as much as the mechanical scream had.

“Finally awake.” A snarling man’s voice sounded farther away than Autumn’s had.

Soulara’s shoulders stiffened, and she took her hands from her head. Pressing her palms against the wall once more she pushed herself back to her feet. She could understand the human as he spoke.

“I’m not the traitor to our people.” Autumn’s voice growled, and Soulara smiled at her beloved’s strength.

She might not see it herself, but when they won this war, and they would, she would spend the rest of their lives showing Autumn just how amazing she was. She would do it until Autumn believed it, and she would keep doing it even after that.

“Did you know…” the man continued as though Autumn hadn’t spoken. “…that those pesky fish can be quite helpful when given the right motivation?” He chuckled, and Soulara’s blood ran cold.

“They aren’t fish, Chalmers.”

Ahh, of course it was Chalmers. Soulara nodded, already knowing all she needed to about this monster.

“They taste just like fish to me.” Chalmers sounded so damn smug, and Soulara’s stomach churned, bile rising in the back of her throat.

“You’re a monster.” Autumn spat.