“Did you do this to her?” Honour turned her eyes away from Soulara and screamed over at Autumn.
“What? I didn’t do anything,” Autumn answered, confusion filling her words, as she splashed her way through the water to meet them.
“Honour. Please.” Soulara didn’t enjoy the tone of begging in her voice, but she needed Honour to get it together quickly.
“I’ll kill her if she doesn’t let you come back to our people. This is all part of their plan.”
“No.” Soulara placed a gentle hand on Honour’s forearm. The touch seemed to bring Honour back to herself. Mostly.
“No?” Honour asked.
“She didn’t do anything to me. I can change my fluke to legs and back again.” Soulara hated that she was having to explain this. She hadn’t wanted anyone to find out. She would be ostracized exactly like her mother had.
“You’re a witch?” The horror in Honour’s words was palpable.
“No, not like the stories. Magic isn’t something to fear.”
“And yet you’ve hidden it from me.” The hurt in Honour’s eyes was almost worse than the horror.
“I’m sorry. The witches have been cursed unfairly for far too long. Magic’s a gift. And I couldn’t let it become who I am.” Soulara sucked in a sharp breath. “It’s why you can breathe above the water. It’s why I can walk. But I’m not my magic. I am Princess Soulara of Reine, heir to the throne, friend to Honour.”
Honour paused, skimming her gaze over Soulara’s body and back up again. “And you’re sure this is your doing and not the invaders?”
“Trust me.” Soulara laughed, her friend’s the relief washing away her initial fear. “No one has done this to me. It’s something I learned about myself not very long ago.”
“You trust her?” Honour asked, jerking her head toward Autumn, who now crossed her arms over her chest, her stance obviously suggesting her lack of pleasure in the conversation so far.
“She’s brought us the answer.”
“To what question?”
Soulara laughed. The sound echoed throughout the open air around them.
“All right.” But Honour turned her gaze on Autumn, her eyes narrowing as she did. “I’ll trust you for now. But if you even think about fucking with my people, or my princess, I will hunt you down and rip you limb from limb. I’ll eat your flesh—”
“Honour!” Soulara snapped, her voice now carrying all the authority of her title. “You won’t threaten my beloved. She’s my true love, and she’s worthy to fight alongside us. She’s worthy of being my partner. My father wasn’t strong enough to fight to keep my mother at his side. I won’t bow down like him. You’ll accept her, or you’ll find yourself banished.”
Honour stayed silent and stunned, almost as shocked as when she had seen Soulara’s legs for the first time.
Soulara waited, shoulders back and head held high.
“Of course, Princess. You have my loyalty and my dedication to you and your partner.”
“Thank you.” Soulara held the authority in her tone, but the edges were colored with relief as they carried the hint of the friendship she cherished.
“Now.” Soulara let her shoulders drop and a smile to spread across her features. “Take these to my lab and get the tinkers started working on them. I’ll follow shortly and make sure we’re going to have enough of them with enough power to win this war. Oh, and I’ve enchanted it already. It’ll open in a bubble so that the instructions inside won’t disintegrate in the water.”
“Of course,” Honour said though she hesitated.
“It’s all right. We’re going to win this war, and we’re going to be okay.”
Soulara wrapped her arm around Autumn’s waist, holding onto her. She tilted her head onto Autumn’s shoulders. This was idyllic, wasn’t it? A moment when they were coming together, when the answers were finally proving fruitful. Soulara pressed her lips to Autumn’s cheek, knowing she’d have to take Autumn back soon, though they’d have to find some solution for how she could live after this war.
Honour stared at the cylinder in her hands as if it was now the enemy. Soulara’s lips quirked up. Would Honour ever stop seeing everyone as suspicious? Would she perhaps be willing and able to find love of her own? Whoever was going to take on that mantle would have to be someone with patience to spare. Loads of it.
Nylah swam circles around Honour, as if happy that they were all finally there. The ray had taken on new life since Soulara had found their physical form. Soulara’s heart jolted, and she glanced up to meet Honour’s eyes. “You should remind me to thank Kyree for bringing Nylah with her.”
“Nylah?” Honour frowned.