Page 73 of Surface Pressure

Soulara hummed and kissed Autumn’s cheek. “Thank you.”

“It-it was nothing.”

“You risked your life for me. That’s not nothing, Autumn.” Soulara pulled Autumn’s chin up and pressed their mouths together gently. “It’ll never be nothing.”

Autumn leaned into the moment, using the physical touch to center herself. This was what she’d been longing for. It was easier to make Soulara do the work, but it was more than that. Autumn had to be the one to share. Pulling away slightly, Autumn locked her eyes on Soulara’s.

“They suspect me.”

“Suspect you of what?” Soulara’s brow furrowed in concern.

“Being a traitor or at least an objector.” Autumn touched Soulara’s shoulders, using that to center herself. Why hadn’t she tried this before? “I went to check in with Marshall, he was still sick from the sudden rise of the water collector, and I asked him about the mermaids. I told him I wasn’t comfortable with the mission anymore.”

Soulara tensed.

“It’s genocide,” Autumn stated firmly. She believed that without a doubt. “We’re committing genocide.”

“W-what’s that?” Soulara pressed, sliding her hand down to lace their fingers together.

Autumn stared down at their intertwined hands. This was the connection she was missing. The support and comfort she needed to be able to make decisions. But to turn against her entire people? Was she ready to do that?

“Genocide is the complete annihilation of another race.” Autumn looked directly into those blue eyes. “We kill all of you.”

Soulara paled. Rightfully so. Autumn would likely do the same if she’d heard those words about humans. Autumn stayed where she was, making sure she took in every change in Soulara.

“We’ll fight back,” Soulara answered.

“You’re mermaids. We have the upper hand, and humans are ruthless. We always have been.” Autumn could see it now, the planet drained of water, and the mermaids’ bodies laid out for the sun to consume. Humans would destroy everything. “They don’t care about you. I’m pretty fucking sure they knew you were here and they’re hiding it from the rest of us. They don’t care that they’ll kill you.”

Soulara’s lips pressed into a thin line. “We’ll fight back, Autumn. You have to trust that we’ll put everything we have into this war.”

Autumn started and stopped. War? Were they moving into active battles and away from simply collecting water? Would Chalmers see it that way? Probably not. But if enough of the soldiers knew about the mermaids would that even change their minds?

“There are other humans that don’t want to kill the mermaids,” Autumn said, though she wasn’t sure she believed it. Trent wouldn’t give a flying fuck if he killed a mermaid. He’d probably have a belt with notches on it. But Marshall? Thinking back on everything, he’d seemed almost as pained as Autumn had at the thought of what was happening.

“How many?” Soulara asked.

“I…I don’t know.” Autumn was caught in the lie. Or was it really a lie? “Marshall seems partial.”

“Partial? What does that mean?”

“He seems like he might be on our side.”

Soulara shook her head slowly. “Might be? I can’t plan an attack on maybes and suspicions. I can’t plan a negotiation on maybe one more person being sympathetic.”

Autumn understood that deeply. She hated it, but she understood it. She’d done the same with her own family back home, making sure that they left her alone, that she didn’t go back for even one person because one would try to drag her into the hell of the rest. She’d cut them all out of her life. It had been hard, painful, trying at times. But in the end, it had been so worth it.

“Marshall told me they would kill me.”

“What?” Soulara’s eyes widened in fear.

“They’ll kill me if I try to leave, if I make a fuss about it. They’ll make me be quiet, permanently.” That thought sank in even more. Instead of drowning, she now had to watch her back every second she was on base. They had to have suspicions about her doubts already. There was always someone watching in those places.

Did they already know about her relationship with Soulara?


Had Autumn led them directly to the enemy?