Page 44 of Surface Pressure

This was perhaps a trick question, but Soulara was going to answer honestly. If she gave him that, then perhaps he would give her the same. Ducking her chin, she made sure that he understood she meant business. “This is my war.”

Nepham nodded slowly, his tail swishing back and forth in the water with a heavy flick. “I don’t fight with women.”

“Then you’re doomed to die,” Soulara responded firmly.

Nepham’s voice broke the silence with a loud boisterous laugh. “I like you.”

A shiver ran up Soulara’s spine. This was what she’d expected from the likes of him, and she was glad to have finally found it.

“Your kraken is at the bottom of the ravine three soundings to the west.”

Honour turned to two of the soldiers behind Soulara and signaled them. Soulara immediately felt their presences leave.

“See you around, Princess.” It was the first time her title had been used as a curse instead of a term of respect.

Soulara stood fast as the Talons swam away deeper into the soundings and faded into the dark. Honour moved right next to her and brushed their shoulders together. “He makes my skin crawl.”

Soulara snorted. “Most mermen do that to me.”

“Well, I’m not as picky as you.” Honour laughed lightly. “Come on, they’re gone. Let’s see what they left us.”

“What do they want?” Soulara waited another second, making sure the Talons were completely out of her sight before turning to follow Honour.

“They want our kingdom.”

Soulara sighed. She should have paid closer attention to the politics of Reine in the last few years. It was going to be a steep learning curve to catch up. “Why haven’t they fought us so far?”

“They have an armistice with your father, but once he’s no longer on the throne, it ends.”

“Wonderful.” Soulara pushed her fluke down hard, speeding ahead. She and her father needed to sit down and have a serious conversation about the state of Reine when she returned. She wasn’t going to let him get away with it this time, and she wasn’t going to avoid it herself, either. If Reine was going to be hers, then she needed to know.

“Your Highness!” One of the soldiers swam up to her quickly. “They left the humans.”

“What?” Soulara’s eyes bulged. “Show me.”

They moved swiftly through the waters, as fast as they could into the dark ravine. Under the tech of the kraken were the torn apart bodies, at least parts of them, squished against the metal to hold them to the floor of the ocean. Soulara’s heart clenched hard as she looked at each arm, each leg, each chunk of skin and flesh she found.

It wasn’t Autumn.

She wasn’t there.

Grasping her necklace, Soulara closed her eyes and focused on Nylah. She sent Nylah to the surface to see if Autumn was there.

“Gather everything you can carry. Two of you will stay to guard the rest while we send reinforcements to help bring the rest home. Everyone be on the lookout for sharks.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Soulara held herself strong. Honour came next to her after giving the troops a few more directions and touched Soulara’s shoulder. “She’s not here.”

“No, she’s not.”

“Will you go to her?” Honour raised an eyebrow at her.

Soulara’s face pinched before she relaxed. “Yes.”


“You lied to me!”