Finally, Monti rustled around and moved. She flipped back and lay on top of Athena’s prone form. They kissed, mouths pressed together, eyes closed. All Athena felt was comfort, sweet surrender, and more peace than she had ever dreamed possible. She wouldn’t give this up for the world.

This right here was what she’d longed for.

And she hadn’t even known it.

“I love you,” she said again, ready to say it so many times that Monti would get sick and tired of hearing it.

“And I love you,” Monti answered, with a kiss to Athena’s cheek. “But this couch has got to go.”

Athena laughed. “What do you suggest?”

“A bed. A really big, comfy bed with fluffy covers and heavenly pillows.”

“Are you tired already?” Athena used her fingers to tickle Monti’s sides.

Monti jerked sharply, a laugh bubbling up from her chest. “No! Not that you’d let me sleep anyway.”

“Not yet. We still have a few hours before midnight.”

“Oh Jesus.”

“Oh yes.” Athena found Monti’s lips with hers. “Are you ready?”

“More than ever.”



Monti hooked her thumbs in her backpack as she straightened up and looked out over Kathmandu. The city below her was stunningly gorgeous. But it wasn’t as gorgeous as the red-cheeked woman with ice blue eyes, huffing as she climbed up the rest of the mountain to join Monti. Athena had thrown her hair into a messy bun when they’d started the hike, and now she had loose strands around her ears from her exertion.

“You said this was an easy hike,” Athena pouted as she reached the small area where Monti had stopped.

She was adorable. Monti would never deny that.

“I lied.” Monti kissed Athena’s cheek and dropped her backpack to the ground. It had been a relatively easy hike. Monti just forgot that Athena wasn’t as used to these outdoor activities as she was. Without a beat, Monti pulled the hose from Athena’s CamelBak and put it to her lips. “Drink before you faint. I definitely want you awake for this.”

Giving a wry smile, Athena sucked down the water as commanded. When she was done, she dropped the backpack to the ground and slowed her breathing. Monti stood just over her shoulder, skimming her hands down Athena’s arms and clasping their fingers together. She rested her chin on Monti’s shoulder and hugged her from behind.

“Are you glad you came?” Monti asked, though she already knew the answer. They’d planned this trip on and off for the last year. A culmination of their relationship together. A next step they’d wanted to take.

“In more ways than one.” Athena laughed lightly, sending Monti a teasing look before focusing back on the city. She reached up and snagged Monti’s hands, pulling Monti more tightly against her. “But to answer your actual question, yes. I am.”

“Good.” Monti kissed her cheek, she dropped her lips to Athena’s neck, sucking gently before she scraped her teeth. She had missed Athena’s flirting, and she loved hearing it every time. “I’m so glad you agreed to come with me.”

“Like I would have said no to this.” Athena reached up, threading her hands in Monti’s hair and pushing Monti against her.

“You had quite a few lawsuits going on lately.” Monti continued to nuzzle her face into Athena’s neck. A rightness settled into her chest. They had worked so hard to get to where they were, and the journey had been worth every step. Every day they’d woken up and chosen this. Monti couldn’t have asked for anything else.

“Had. But it’s done now. It’s all done.” Athena turned around in Monti’s arms and wrapped her arms around Monti’s back.

“And you won.” Monti kissed her cheek, and Athena tilted her head to the side to give Monti more access. This was their celebration trip along with their commitment trip. The two couldn’t have been better matched. “You got Gwen and Zoe some justice.”

“Some, yes.” Athena pressed their mouths together, sliding her tongue against Monti’s lips. “It’ll never be enough.”

“It never is.” Monti fell into the embrace. She’d waited a long time to bring Athena here, but every time Monti had mentioned it, Athena had held back. They’d traveled so many places in the last two years, but they’d never been here. And finally, they’d made plans and they were here. Finally, Athena’s dream of coming back to Kathmandu was a reality.

But today they had special plans.