Well, what the hell did that mean?

Monti looked back at the door, wondering if Athena’s feet were still there. She knew they wouldn’t be, that Athena would be hurt by what had happened downstairs, but that hadn’t been Monti’s intention. Or had it? She pressed her lips together hard as she thought that one through. No. It hadn’t been to hurt her, although that had been the result. She’d wanted to protect Athena, and in that protection, all she’d done was harm.

“I think I love her,” Monti murmured out loud, not even sure if the words were actually going to leave her lips or not. “I don’t want to push people away anymore.”

“Then don’t,” Fallon replied. “Now is as good a time as any to stop.”

“But I don’t know what to expect.”

“You’ll figure it out. You’re a smart woman, Monti. I’ve never had any doubt about that.” Fallon seemed much lighter already, her tone not as concerned as it had been before. “And if you love her, then you need to tell her that. I’m pretty sure that Athena needs to feel loved more than anything in her life.”

“Kevin loves her.”

“He does. But it’s not enough.”

Monti continued to stare at the door, wishing that Athena would try again. Because if she did, then Monti would hang up and go to the door. She would fall into Athena’s arms and not look back. Wouldn’t she? Who was she kidding? She’d be looking back for a long time and wondering if she’d made the right decision. That was what she was known best for.

“She needs you,” Fallon said gently.

Monti’s heart kicked up a notch, pounding hard, and it was becoming difficult to breathe. What was she supposed to do now? “I don’t know what to do.”

“Yes, you do.”

“Nope. I’m all out of ideas.”

“Get out of your own way,” Fallon chided. “You’ve got this.”

“Yeah, I guess.” Monti didn’t like what she was hearing, but who would? She loosened her grip on her phone. “Thanks, Fallon.”

“I do love you. You know that, right?”

“I’ve never doubted that.” Monti smiled, genuinely for the first time in what felt like forever. “I love you too.”

“You have no idea how good it feels to hear that.”

Monti relaxed, settling into the knowledge that what she’d done was good. What she’d wanted wasn’t out of bounds. And Fallon was right. She needed to get out of her own way for anything to move forward and to get any of what she wanted.

“I’ll call you soon, I promise,” Monti said, already preparing to hang up. She needed to get the rest of the energy out, and there was only one way coming to mind.

“I’ll hold you to that. And for the record, Monti, good luck. I want her to be happy as much as I want you to be. You both deserve it.”

Monti smiled as the call ended. She lay on the bed for a while longer, listening to Athena putter around in the room next door. It hadn’t been a wise choice for her to allow a relationship between them to flourish or even begin. She should have put a stop to it ages ago.

But they were here now.

Athena was relying on her, and Monti had better figure out a way to get her shit together so she could take care of Athena. Because that was what she was hired to do. This could potentially be one more step for Athena, one more way of breaking out of her shell.

Standing up, Monti left her bedroom and went immediately next door. She rapped her knuckles against the door and waited. Athena appeared, looking disheveled. That was all Monti’s fault. She’d been so caught up in her own chaos that she hadn’t been able to focus on Athena, which was the whole point of being here.

“Come with me,” Monti said in a rush, her voice breathy.

“It’s late,” Athena protested.

“I know.” Monti held out her hand, waiting for Athena to take it. It was the only way this was going to work. Athena had to choose this. If she didn’t, then they wouldn’t move forward. Athena would continue to stay stuck in the hell of her own making.

“What are we doing?” Athena’s bright blue eyes locked on hers.

“Trust me.”