“You said something. She stormed through there and holed herself up.”

“Oh. That.” Monti wrinkled her nose, guilt swimming into her belly like it owned the place. “That has nothing to do with our argument.”

Fallon narrowed her eyes, judging whether or not Monti was telling the truth. This was almost too much. Monti’s head was spinning, and she was longing for that one thing she never seemed to find. Peace. Would she have it if she left right now?

“What the hell did you say to her?” Now Fallon was mad, but it wasn’t filled with hurt anymore. She was justifiably angry, even if she didn’t know what it was over yet.

Monti sighed heavily and ran her hand through her hair, pulling at the roots. No way in hell was she going to tell Fallon what had happened. “I didn’t say anything to her. We rescheduled for Thursday.”

“Thursday?” Fallon gave her a disbelieving look and plopped into the chair Athena usually sat in. “I don’t believe you.”

“I don’t know what you want me to tell you.” Monti eyed her over.

“Oh my God, you like her!” Fallon’s voice raised up sharply.

Monti couldn’t lie. Fallon knew her too well and lying would be too hard, and damn it all to hell, Monti didn’t want to lie. “She’s gorgeous and I’m a lesbian. Can you blame me?”

“She’s my boss!”

“I like how that’s your go-to objection. Not that she’s my client.” Monti pressed her thumb to her chest. “I understand the boundaries.” But did she? “I’m not planning on crossing them.” Again. Definitely not again.

Guilt ate away at her stomach even more.

She wanted to. Monti wanted to hear Athena scream her name, and it wasn’t until that day that she fully allowed herself to acknowledge it. Those almost kisses—Monti had wanted them. And the one today? It filled her soul.

Fallon narrowed her eyes. “Why don’t I believe you?”

“Because you grew up with distrust in your first relationship which causes you to automatically think the worst in everyone.”

“Shut up!” Fallon said with a wave of her hand. “I don’t want a psych lesson today.”

“Good.” Monti blew out a breath. “Because I’m all out of them for now.”

Fallon fiddled with Athena’s half-filled cup on the tray, spinning it around. Oh how they were so similar and yet so very different. Monti had used exactly the same tactic only minutes before with Athena in the room.

“I’m sorry about earlier,” Monti mumbled, hoping the change in topic would give her a few more minutes to think.

“About what exactly?” Fallon slid her gaze up to Monti before dropping it again.

“About everything. I’m bad with remembering to begin with, but since I was in town, I should have taken special effort to make sure I didn’t forget. And I really shouldn’t have gotten so defensive when you confronted me about your feelings.”

“Damn straight you shouldn’t have.” Fallon’s tone was angry, but her face said she was teasing.

Monti was glad to see it because she’d needed this easy calm again. “Want to go to the cemetery still?”

“Yeah. Let’s go.”

“Now?” Monti nearly choked again.

“Sure. Why not?”

“Don’t you have to work?”

“I’m pretty sure Athena will give me the afternoon off if I ask for it. Especially if I take you with me, because I’m not convinced something didn’t happen yet.” Fallon pointed at Monti. “And we have a whole car ride to the cemetery to talk that one over.”

“Uh, no we don’t. We have two cars here.”

“You can drive!” Fallon grinned. “Come on, Sis.”