Monti’s emphasis on the last word set Athena on edge. She didn’t know what to say. Was she embarrassed? Yes. …And no. Did she want it to happen again? She wasn’t entirely sure about that. But they hadn’t talked about it. Athena had avoided that like she normally did.

“We really don’t.” Athena stood up and walked to the window, abandoning her tea and Monti. She knew it was a defense mechanism, but she couldn’t stop herself. She needed space. She needed to avoid Monti.

“We do.” Monti was right behind her.

Athena gasped and spun around, nearly coming nose to nose with Monti. Moving from Monti’s troubles to Athena’s wasn’t what she’d planned for this conversation. Hell, they weren’t even supposed to be talking. Monti was supposed to be massaging. Athena’s heart was in her throat, and it was so difficult to breathe, especially with Monti standing this close to her. But it wasn’t a scared fear, not a run-for-her-life fear. This was so different than that.

“I don’t want you to be embarrassed about what happened.” Monti’s words were meant to calm, however they did anything but.

All Athena felt was the same all-over-body warmth that she’d had when Monti was touching her. But not touching her like that. Not like Athena had actually wanted her to. Damn it. When had she wanted that? Athena’s heart raced. Monti took Athena’s hand lightly.

“It happens sometimes,” Monti added.

What was she even supposed to say in response? Athena bit the inside of her cheek, something that was becoming a bad habit lately. She broke the touch from Monti and faced the window, crossing her arms and staring out at the forest outside. Fallon was out there walking somewhere. That or she was already back at her desk, working. Probably that. Fallon wasn’t someone who would leave the office for long, and Athena had no doubt that she was still upset about the argument.

“You should go talk to Fallon.”

“And apologize?” Monti asked.

Athena nodded.

“I will. Don’t worry.” Monti put her hand on Athena’s elbow, cupping it. “Right now, I’m here to talk to you.”

“I think we’re not doing that today.”

“No, we’re not having a massage today.” Monti stepped in even closer.

Athena’s heart doubled its rate. She was sure of it. Because what else was this feeling? She turned her head, lifting her chin and looking directly into Monti’s eyes. “You should talk to Fallon.”

“We need to talk about the other day.” Monti dropped her gaze down to Athena’s lips, then moved them back up to her eyes.

What was that?

Athena moved onto her toes. She was getting closer. She needed to stop herself. But she’d never been this comfortable with anyone before. She’d never thought something like this would happen. She closed her eyes, wishing they were anywhere else but here. But if Monti was involved, she was pretty sure they would have ended up here anywhere. They’d almost kissed twice before.

Athena had thought about it so many times in the intervening weeks that she couldn’t stop. She didn’t want to stop. Groaning, Athena shook her head and faced the window again. “No.”

“No?” Monti asked, moving in even closer.

“No.” Athena’s fingers quivered. Her heart raced. She didn’t want to talk about anything. She wanted to escape to her bedroom, away from all of this. She wanted Monti to leave her alone. No, that wasn’t right. She wanted to see what it was like. If all those dreams were anywhere close to reality.

“Athena, we need to put some boundaries in place now that—”

“Now that we’ve crossed them,” Athena interrupted. She was sure that’s what Monti was going to say. It was what she would say in this situation if the roles were reversed. Athena should be terminating their contract. She should be refusing to hire Monti any longer. But the problem was that in the short time they had known each other, Athena had discovered she couldn’t leave. She could demand Monti did, but right now, staring into those deep brown eyes, Athena couldn’t find the words.

“Now that we’ve crossed them,” Monti repeated, her voice dropping at the end.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Athena tried to make her feet move, but she couldn’t do it.

“You haven’t told me to leave yet.”

Damn Monti for being right.

Athena bit her cheek again. What were they doing here? They’d come to the library to talk, to have it out over the argument that Monti was having with Fallon. And how had they ended up here? Fingers clasped together. Toes inches apart. Athena’s heart racing. Her entire body telling her to close the gap.

“Monti,” Athena whispered, wishing that Monti would stop whatever was happening. That she would know just how hard this was for Athena.

“Athena,” Monti answered, a tease in her tone. Which was the exact opposite of what Athena needed right now. “You say my name in five hundred different ways and each one has a different meaning. Did you know that? I don’t know you well enough to decipher them all.”