“You can only say that because you’re not her little sister.”
The small chuckle that left Athena’s lips was promising. It meant they were on the right trajectory. Athena was easing back into this world from her triggered state, and Monti was keeping her rooted here.
“Trust me. Having a big sister who is all up in your business isn’t a fun experience.”
“Let me guess, she tried to parent you.”
“Every day.”
Athena looked up into Monti’s eyes, her lips curling into a gentle smile. Then her look faltered, the smile falling away, as those tears filled her eyes again. “In three months, I’ll celebrate my twenty-second anniversary.”
Another piece to the puzzle of this woman.
Monti loved that Athena was willing to give her these little tidbits of information, even if it was like pulling teeth to get it out of her. She folded her hand around Athena’s. “Is it the anniversary that’s bothering you? Or is it something else?”
Athena shook her head back and forth slowly. “I honestly don’t know.”
“That’s okay. We can figure that out later.”
They settled in next to each other again. Monti was going to stay here as long as Athena possibly needed. Monti continued to trail her fingers across Athena’s skin, admiring the softness, the warmth, the feel.
“I’ll stay here as long as you need.”
Athena hummed. “Thank you.”
“Of course.”
“Glad to see you’re on time.”
Athena stood at the door to the library, where she’d wanted to meet with Monti. Two days and she was far calmer now than she had been. Monti had sat with her for hours. They hadn’t talked much, mostly listening to the quiet and steady breathing coming from each of them.
It was the closest she had felt to anyone in a long time.
“I made a point of it,” Monti answered, clearly a little nervous still.
Athena enjoyed that look on her, the slightly awkward but still confident gaze. She held in her smile and ducked her chin. “Good to know you can do that.”
Monti snorted lightly, a chuckle leaving her lips. “And I’m glad to see that you’re almost back to your icy, distanced self.”
Athena paused at that. Because she actually felt anything but. She was still raw from the other day, but worse than that, any time Monti was near her, she felt more than she should. More than she had in ages. Stepping in close, Athena stopped shoulder to shoulder. She looked Monti directly in the eye when she answered. “I secretly think you like it.”
Monti’s eyes widened, her cheeks reddening, and her lips parted. That was exactly the reaction that Athena had hoped for. Instead of moving away like she usually would, she leaned in, their arms brushing. The fabric of her jacket pressed into her skin, scratching it. Athena sucked in a breath and bit the inside of her cheek.
“I think I’m right.”
“Shall we?” Athena stepped away, giving her space. What was she even doing? She hadn’t intended to make this into some sort of game that neither of them could win. But she had also been thinking about Monti more and more lately, about the calm presence she had, the way it was so easy to talk to her.
“Uh. Sure.” Monti followed behind as they walked through the house and directly to Athena’s bedroom.
This had become the routine, that was for sure. And Athena loved her routines. She left Monti as she went into the bathroom, slipping off her jacket, her bra, and her shoes. She’d never thought she’d feel comfortable with someone like this.
She didn’t have to talk herself into it anymore—or out of canceling the whole thing. When she stepped back into the bedroom, Monti had already fixed the bed in the way she wanted it, closed the curtains to dim the light, and stood with her bottle of oil in her hand.
“Are we ready?” Athena folded her hands in front of her.