“Fallon says you’ve tried alternatives.”
“Medications, studies, herbs.” Athena still stood by the door, poised as if she was going to need to escape at any moment.
Monti relaxed her stance and glanced at the two leather wingback chairs next to each other with a small table in between. “Mind if we sit?”
“I don’t do therapy.”
“Didn’t say that’s what this was, but noted.” Perhaps Fallon had told Athena of her training already. That would explain why Athena didn’t need to ask. “I was asking because I thought it might be more comfortable.”
Though something told her that Athena was never comfortable.
Athena said nothing as she walked stiffly to the closest wingback and slid into it. She crossed her legs, her slacks riding up on her ankle, revealing her black flat shoes. Monti took her time, observing Athena as she walked closer. It seemed with each step she took that Athena tightened even more. Her shoulders tensed, the muscle in her jaw bulged, her breathing quickened.
Trying not to disrupt Athena’s calm any more than she already had, Monti sat in the chair and relaxed as best as she could. She wanted to present the most non-confrontational front as possible. Athena clearly needed a safe space, and the onus was on Monti to create that. Although without the proper time to do that, Monti was going to be shit out of luck.
“I’m a clinically trained therapist, Ms. Pruitt, but if you don’t want therapy, we don’t have to do that. I’m also a trained massage therapist–think more clinical than a spa.”
“I’m aware of your qualifications, Monti.” Athena’s glance of disdain and annoyance was pure. The use of Monti’s first name was a pitiful attempt to put Monti in her place, and they were both well aware of that fact.
“Then you know why I’m here. And you can either accept my services or I can leave. The choice is yours.” Why was she being so obstinate? Monti was here as a favor to Fallon, yes, but also because she needed the cash. But she didn’t have to get it from Athena. There were always other ways. And she was supposed to be creating a safe space for Athena. This wasn’t going to plan. This was why she’d left the practice entirely.
“I have no other choice.” Athena raised her hand and pinched the bridge of her nose, a giant diamond of a ring winking in the light on it. “I haven’t slept in weeks. I need to sleep in order to function.”
“Something we can agree on, then.” Monti placed her palms together and leaned down. “I can attempt to help you, if you’ll let me.”
“I don’t like to be touched.”
Monti looked up at Athena, finding the truth in her words. The vulnerability in Athena’s voice was filled to the brim with shame, and even from the next seat over, Monti could see the tears build and then vanish.
Oh, she’s good at this.
Monti was going to need to be on her A-game for this one. Fallon hadn’t prepared her for the depth of mess Athena was stuck in. The question remained, however, would Monti be able to crack Athena?
“I have to ask, Ms. Pruitt, why am I here? You don’t want therapy and you don’t like to be touched. There are alterna—”
“There aren’t.” Athena jerked, her movements tense and sharp.
“I’m not understanding what you expect from me. And I want to make sure before this conversation goes any further that we’re on the same page. I’m here because Fallon said you need help to sleep. There are some things we can try, but unless you’re willing, they won’t work.”
Athena pressed her lips together, lines forming. She paled. Was this shame again?
“Do you mind if we start again?” Monti offered. “Because I must have done something to set off your alarm bells.”
Athena’s blue eyes locked on Monti’s, and there was a slight shake to her head. Though the move was almost imperceptible. With a deep breath, Athena turned to face Monti better. The first sign that Monti might be making progress of some sort. Was the way in to be blunt?
“You didn’t do anything.” Athena pinched her nose again before rubbing her temple and closing her eyes. Instead of her shoulders relaxing they tightened. “It’s hard to think.”
“Because you’re exhausted.” Monti watched Athena carefully. Her clothes covered her from ankle to wrist to neck. The only skin showing was that of her face, a bit of her neck, and her hands. What was the purpose of that? Her clothes looked uncomfortable, warm, and as if they consumed her to hide her. “Can we try something?”
Athena glanced at her warily.
“We’ll stop whenever you want. I’m not here to push your boundaries or make you feel unsafe. I’m here simply to help you sleep.”
“What’s your suggestion?” Athena leaned forward before catching herself and straightening her back.
She was sleep-deprived—to the point that she could barely hold herself upright. Monti breathed deeply, softening her tone. She needed to be calm and open, allow Athena to trust her even if just a little to help her today.
“I’ll touch your hands and your scalp only. And again, if it makes you uncomfortable, you can tell me to stop any time and I will. I’ll start with your hands—that way you can see me.” Monti put her hands out to the sides. “The choice is yours. If it doesn’t work, you can chalk this up to one more alternative that failed.”