Page 19 of Salvation

There’s no way I could leave Brooklyn now. I know that. But resisting her feels equally impossible. I might be able to stop myself from jumping on her, but I’ll never manage to hide how much I desire her. She’ll see it written all over my face. Hopefully, Camden can find the herbs and berries we need to keep her heat from coming on, because if her smell gets any more intoxicating, my self-control will evaporate. And I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one.

Her face swims back to the front of my thoughts. Just the memory of those wise, wary eyes, staring me down, makes my cock stiffen. I press my palm against it, groaning at the touch. I’m like a teenager again, getting hard at just the fantasy of a woman.

I pull my cock out, gripping myself hard as I run my hand up and down the shaft. Getting myself off is a temporary solution. The minute I catch a whiff of the Omega’s sweet scent, my cock will be hard all over again. But I have to come now, because if I can’t take the edge off, I’m going to lose my goddamn mind.

Closing my eyes, I try to remember the last woman I was with. It’s been a few months—I crave sex as much as the next guy, but I’m not looking for companionship. I’m a solitary guy, more into planning my next hunt or maintaining my land than wasting my time dating. I’ve only been with a few Omegas before, and they were safely on repressors. I had no idea what I was getting into.

Scenting Brooklyn was like stepping into the sun after years alone in the dark. Awe-inspiring. Life-changing. Beautiful.

No. Not her. I squeeze my cock painfully hard to stop myself. The Omega’s too dangerous to fantasize about.

Instead, I think back to that pretty Beta I met at a bar back home. She was all long, curvy limbs and breathy sighs, tall enough that I didn’t have to strain my back to lean down and kiss her. I brought her back to my place, where she took my cock in her mouth like a pro. Her red-painted lips were gorgeous stretched around my width.

But the image changes, red lips turning into full pink ones, her body now small and slender, yet somehow strong. It’s thick dark hair that I’m pulling tight with my hand.

Fuck. My fantasies aren’t safe from her. She’s too consuming.

So I give in.

Even though it’s a bad idea, I let myself think about her while I stroke myself. I imagine putting my hand around Brooklyn’s slender neck, pressing my thumb against her pulse point to feel the rhythm of her heartbeat. She’s so guarded, hunched in on herself, constantly protecting her vulnerable parts. I’m dying to see her unfurl. When I brushed my lips against hers, she’d arch her back and press her breasts against my chest. She’d loll her head and give me access to her neck. I’d run my tongue up and down the soft, delicate skin until she smelled like me.

My hand tightens around my shaft, moving faster. My release is so fucking close, I can taste it.

Brooklyn’s slick smelled so delectable. I’m desperate to get close to the source and press my nose up against her pretty pussy. I’d let that sweet honey scent overwhelm me. Just one lick would be enough. One small taste. Of course, I’d bury myself in her for hours if she’d only let me, but I’ll take whatever I can get. I’d beg on my goddamn knees if she’d let me swipe my tongue through her folds even once. I’d worship her.

She’s mine. She’s meant for me. She wants me to take her, I can see it in those wild, mismatched eyes.

I come in my hand, sighing with relief as my spend spurts onto the forest floor. My breath comes in sharp pants, but some semblance of clarity has come back.

For now, at least, I can think of things other than Brooklyn’s scent. The desperation to take her is still there, but it’s manageable.

I know it won’t last long, though. She’s wriggled her way too deep under my skin.



Camden’s lanky body is curled up on the cold, hard ground. He didn’t even take his sleeping bag out with him. No, he left that inside the tent for his Omega to snuggle up in. Last night, he insisted that Brooklyn take his tent to sleep. Then he lay down right outside the zippered door. Like her own, personal guard dog.

I would find it pathetic if I wasn’t a little jealous. His sleeping bag—hell, his whole goddamn tent—will smell like her. He’ll get to sleep surrounded by her sweet, wildflower and amber scent. Worse, Brooklyn agreed to it almost immediately. She trusts Memphis and I about as far as she could throw us with her wiry little arms. But Cam, she lets lie down three feet away while she’s vulnerable, asleep. He’s just one thin nylon layer away from her.

Fine. I’m more than a little jealous. But it’s not my fault. It’s just biology. Any Alpha would feel the same urge to take care of an Omega in need. At least I have the satisfaction of knowing that she brought my jacket in with her.

I’m still a little salty about it, so I don’t bother being quiet while I start up the fire. I clang the dishes together while I search for the pot, then set water boiling for instant coffee. If Camden didn’t want to get up early, he shouldn’t have slept outside.

Despite the noise, Cam stays perfectly still. The perfect little guard against nobody.

As if I would do anything to hurt Brooklyn. Fine, I can admit that I was a little gruff with her yesterday. I’m not the best at being sweet and gentle. My years in the military didn’t exactly cultivate my tender side.

Still, I’m not a threat. Even if Brooklyn smells good—delicious, really, better than any Omega I’ve ever smelled—I’m stronger than that. My discipline runs bone-deep, and I’ve promised to keep my hands off her. Brooklyn doesn’t need Camden to keep me away.

Memphis, on the other hand…

I pour extra instant coffee granules in my mug. The bitter taste lies thick on my tongue. My mind wakes up as I feel the caffeine hit my bloodstream. Today, I need to be completely alert.

Because I can admit, Memphis has me worried. Since I met him, he’s been stoic to the point of complete emotional detachment. He’s a trooper. No complaints while we trekked through the pouring rain or set off from camp at sunrise. His willpower so far has rivaled mine.