Page 57 of Salvation

“Maybe we should wait,” Cam says in a low voice.

“I promised we’d make contact days ago. They’ll be wondering if the storm took us out.”

“I don’t know, Denver. I…something doesn’t feel right.”

My body vibrates with fear and desperation. I have to stop him…but I can’t. I taste something bitter, and realize I bit my tongue. Blood fills my mouth, metallic and hot.

The guys are still talking, but I can’t make sense of what they’re saying. They’re arguing about something, but they don’t want me to hear. Joke’s on them—they could be as loud as they want, and apparently my brain would still try to shut out the meaning. I can’t face the unbearable reality—I’m going home. For good.

There’s a loud burst of static then silence.

“This is Denver, come in.”

A quiet crackle. Then, a familiar voice breaks through the speaker.

“Denver, this is Grayson Castle.”

I see black.

Next thing I know, the radio’s in my hands and I’m smashing it on a rock. It only takes a few hits for the radio to fall apart, but I keep pounding my hands down. I feel metal parts scratching, hard cold marble, and something wet.

Strong, hard arms pull me back. I thrash against them, but the man holding me is too big. Too strong. I’m broken, helpless, trapped. Hot tears blind me, making everything blurry. I gasp for a breath I can’t take. I’m gone, underwater, drowning in rage.

“Shhh, princess. You’re okay. I got you, just breathe.”

The world comes back in pieces. The vibration of a deep voice. The smell of warm steel, Denver’s massive chest pressed against my back. His hands wrapped around my own, my blood dripping over both our fingers.

My neck prickles, but I feel nothing. Not even the ghost of triumph and predatory glee that I might have felt a week ago. The bond between Grayson and me is really gone, but it’s only a matter of time before he bites me again.

Then, he’ll make sure the bond lasts forever. I’ll never escape.



I count long minutes before Brooklyn stops shaking. I embrace her tightly, knowing that she needs someone to hold her up. She’s in shock, obviously. Hearing Grayson Castle’s voice dragged her to some emotional edge, and she’s in freefall.

The only thing I can do for her now is be steady. Be the support she needs, now that she’s finally let go of her control.

I’ll be the one who takes care of her. Not just now. Forever.

The idea is too appealing. I can’t let myself indulge in it, not when in a few days I’ll have to let her go. I can’t forget—this is just for now.

Finally, Brooklyn’s breath evens out. I loosen my hold, but don’t let go. She’s crying softly now, her head bent like the idea of facing the world is unbearable. Like she’s broken.

“Give me a blanket,” I snap, not specifying who I’m instructing. Camden quickly goes into a tent to get one. Memphis just crosses his arms and glares at me, like the whole thing is my fault.

Like he could make me feel worse than I already do.

I knew as soon as Brooklyn saw the radio that she didn’t want me to use it. Instead of stopping, trying to get an explanation from her, I ignored my instincts and called anyway. I don’t need Memphis to tell me that I’m the reason she’s crying.

The blanket Cam gives me smells like him and Memphis and Brooklyn, but I don’t have it in me to feel jealous right now. I wrap the blanket around Brooklyn’s shoulders. She doesn’t say anything or even acknowledge that I’m here. She won’t look at me.

I can’t stand seeing her like this—weak, helpless, miserable. Even in the worst moments of her heat, she was so strong. This beautiful girl was always fighting to stay alive, to escape us, to get what she wanted.

Now, all her fire is gone. It’s like she’s given up.