Page 48 of Beautiful Villain

Moving slowly, she turns around and steps forward. It’s like she’s forgotten that she’s naked, because her pace is slow, but it’s not because she’s self-conscious.

“Come on, Baby, all the way here,” Vik coaxes her.

The moment she’s close enough, he carefully reaches for her and pulls her into his chest, wrapping his arms around her tightly. A part of me expects her to fight, but instead she sort of melts into him. After a moment he slowly releases her, turning her and guiding her to me, while he fetches her clothes from his desk.

“Are you okay?” I whisper.

“My ass hurts.”

I chuckle, I can’t help it.

“Would you really have killed that guy?” she asks, tipping her head back to look me in the eye.

“Without a second thought. We’ve all spent a long time wanting you and craving you. You might only be my wife in name right now, but soon, you’ll be ours in every way imaginable. The next time you think about seducing one of the guards, this punishment will seem like a walk in the park.”

A depth of understanding settles in her eyes and, with it, something else dies. I don’t want to break her, but I will if that’s what it takes for her to understand that we won’t let her leave, no matter how much she wants to.

Pulling her attention away from me, Vik kneels at her feet, offering her the thong to step into. His actions must remind her that she’s naked and she quickly steps into the scrap of silk and lace, trying to bat Vik’s hand away when he starts to slide the panties up her thighs.

“I can do it,” she argues breathily.

“So can I. And I will, so stop fighting me,” he says, his tone still soft and even.

Huffing, she stops trying to push Vik away, and he slides the fabric into place, hiding her pussy from view. Holding her shorts next, he offers them for her to step into, then pulls them up, dragging them over her sore ass as she gasps and hisses in pain.

“No, leave them off, I’d rather prance around in that stupid fucking thong than have denim touching my ass right now,” she protests.

“I’m holding myself back from touching you right now, Baby, but if you’re only wearing those tiny panties, your ass red and hot from where I spanked you, I’m going to end up losing control. If you’ve changed your mind and you’re good with that, I’ll burn every scrap of fabric in the house and keep you naked for the next few years. If not, then the shorts go on,” Vik says, matter of factly.

“Fine, you sadist,” she hisses, grimacing as he slides the tight shorts over her raw skin, buttoning the waist and zipping up the fly without ever touching her inappropriately.

“I’m not a sadist.” He laughs

“My ass would disagree.”

“I don’t find sexual pleasure in hurting you. But I do enjoy seeing you submit to my dominance by allowing me to punish you for your bad behavior,” Vik explains, dropping her top over her head and tying the string to keep it in place.

“So, you’re basically Christian Grey?” she snarks, her eyes sparking to life as her sassy attitude returns.

Vik laughs. “I suppose there are similarities. I grew up watching my father and grandfather disciplining their wives like this. I honestly didn’t realize it wasn’t normal until I was in my teen years. Even then I assumed it was a practice the Bratva used. It was only when I asked my brothers about it yesterday that I found out it wasn’t, and that domestic discipline is just how the men in my family chose to worship their wives.”

“I’m not—” Alabama starts.

“You may not be my wife in the eyes of the law, but in every other way you’re just as much mine as you are Dimi’s or Lev’s. We’ve always known that sharing one woman would make us all happy, and the moment we saw you, we knew that you were ours.”

Seeing Vik like this, calm, peaceful, and without the frenetic energy that keeps him on a knife’s edge of exploding is fucking unbelievable. The only other times I’ve seen him like this is when he was stoned off his gourd, or so drunk he was on the verge of passing out. Knowing that dominating Alabama has that same effect, with much less destructive impact, is startling.

“Come on, let’s go and get a drink and I’ll see if I can find some aloe for your hot ass.” Chuckling, he gently reaches for her hand and leads her out of the room.



“Don’t worry, I won’t tell them how wet your pussy is,” he’d whispered into my ear as he pushed my face gently into the corner, then positioned me with my legs spread wide and my burning ass on display for them.

What the hell just happened?

One minute I was attempting to flirt with the guard stationed below the balcony, and the next I’m naked, laid over Viktor’s lap while he whaled on my butt. What’s worse is that he wasn’t forcing me to be in that position, I agreed to it. The idea of them killing that poor guard just because I was stupid enough to try and seduce him a little, was so horrifying I think I’d have agreed to anything to save his life.