Page 295 of Beautiful Villain

“That would be none. I always wrap it up unless I’m certain the woman’s on contraceptives, and clean.”

“You literally said it’s a shame I’m on the pill, weirdo.” I wrinkle my nose. “Is breeding your kink or something?”

“I’m not going to deny I do love going bare. But I wouldn’t want to impregnate anyone except my gorgeous little doll.” His mouth falls to my shoulder, kissing it.

“You don’t want to impregnate me, either, idiot.”

“Don’t I?” He chuckles. “You can’t deny it’d make things easier.”

“What?” That makes no sense whatsoever.

“You’re fighting me. You’re deliberately refusing to see that I want you bound.” His mouth moves from my shoulder to my neck. “Attached.” Now he’s at my ear, whispering, “Tethered to me.”

Callum draws back to look into my eyes.

“Knocking you up would have gotten that across. But as you took precautions, I’ll have to convince you another way.”

“You’re insane.”

“I’ll have you know that the Crown has tested my mental capacities and found me fit for duty, age eighteen,” Callum replies primly.

“Someone should fire whoever came to that conclusion. You don’t know me. You don’t want…whatever you just said.” I shake my head. “I’m a novelty. Different from the girls you usually see, so that’s why you’re having?—”

“If you say the word fun, I will have no choice but to resort to kidnapping,” Callum retorts.

His expressions tells me he is kidding. He seems highly entertained. Meanwhile, I’m actually losing my mind over here. Doesn’t he know how those words would affect me? How fucking devastated I’ll be when he tells me he was joking, or that he changed his mind?

“I’m considering it, anyway. A few months locked into a tower ought to persuade you.”

“Callum, I’m just trying to be realistic. We’re having fun. It’s great. But?—”

“Kidnapping it is.”

He stands, taking me with him, and carries me to the bathroom.

My tiny shower looks downright claustrophobic with him in it, but he doesn’t heed any of my protests as he lathers me with soap and proceeds to clean every inch of my skin.

I admit, I don’t protest much, especially when he gets to my tits.

But then, once we’re both dressed—me in denim shorts with fishnets and a band tee, him in yesterday’s suit—and out of doors, I realize he wasn’t kidding. He’s not letting go, hand firmly anchored around my waist.

“I have class!” I tell him in a whine as he all but drags me to the parking lot.

“Love, when I tell you I will do something, I will do it. My word isn’t worth much if I don’t. So you can get that cute ass in the passenger seat, or I can toss you on it. These are your choices.”

I glance behind my shoulder, to the elegant university’s main building, calculating the likelihood that I can get to it before he catches me.

The odds are not in my favor.

“What would we even do?” I’d like to think I’m not pouting. “Don’t you have work?”

“I’ll take a personal day, to show you the meaning of fuck around and find out.”



It’s not my first time in the building, but when I took the lift directly to the seventh floor that fateful summer day, I didn’t realize this wasone house.