The click of the front door opening was my only warning before Oliver bolted out into the front yard. I stepped sideways too quickly and tripped over the suitcase at my side. My arms flailed, trying to find something to grab onto for balance, but it was a lost cause. I landed with a thud on my ass, a dull pain radiating through my lower back as a groan escaped my lips. Anthony’s shoes came into view and I quickly tried to scramble to my feet, the attempt unsuccessful. My suitcase had fallen on my legs and I was struggling to get myself free.
Without saying a word, Anthony picked up my suitcase, setting it next to him, then offered me a hand. I did my best to avoid his gaze while taking his hand as the warmth in my cheeks continued to grow in intensity.
“Are you okay?” He released my hand as he spoke. His low voice awakened something inside me and I couldn’t help but look up at him. His eyes were intense as they looked into mine, filled with a heat that should have had me wanting to pull away. Instead, I felt safe, safer than I had in a long time. As I continued staring into his eyes, heat traveled down my body, settling in my stomach. All common sense had left my brain as I thought about his hand on other parts of my body.
“Gwendalyn?” My name on his lips snapped me out of my trance, and I quickly released his hand, shaming myself for thinking about my new boss in that way. Pull yourself together, Gwen. You need this job, not dick.
“I’m okay.” Laughing off the embarrassing moment, I brushed the dirt off my pants and offered a small smile. Breaking eye contact with Anthony, I turned around in time to see Oliver running back up onto the porch.
“Ms. Gen! Trains!” He held out a black engine twice the size of his hand for me to see after climbing the small step that led up to the porch. Ignoring the feeling of Anthony’s continued gaze on me, I crouched down in front of Oliver. The train engine looked brand new, as if it had just come out of its packaging.
“That is such a cool train, Oliver.”
“Tunnel, peas?”
“Not right now, figlio mio,” Anthony cut in and I stood quickly, having forgotten he was on the porch with us. He leaned down, offering open arms to Oliver, who ran the few steps so his dad could pick him up. “How about we show Miss Gwendalyn her room?”
“I show, Daddy.” Oliver wiggled in his dad’s arms, attempting to get down. Chuckling, Anthony leaned forward, opening the door before setting him down. Oliver took off into the house, and I caught a glimpse of a smile form on Anthony’s face as he watched his son. I reached out to grab my suitcase that he had set upright in between us, but his hand beat mine, grasping the handle.
Stepping forward, he leaned against the open door, stopping to look back and motioning with his head for me to go on. My eyes widened, blinking in shock as it hit me that he was essentially holding it open for me. Two chivalrous acts within the span of a few seconds, all without what seemed to be a second thought from Anthony, was not something I was used to.
I made my way inside, following the sound of little feet down the hallway off the entryway that went past the kitchen. Oliver was excitedly standing at a door that I could only assume led down to the basement. Pulling it open himself, Oliver plopped down on the top step, flipping over onto his belly and sliding down the steps. A laugh escaped me, and I covered my mouth with my hand as I felt Anthony walk up behind me. The warmth radiating from his body sent a shiver down my spine. I looked over my shoulder, not expecting the smile that was plastered on his face.
“I have no idea where he learned to do that, but he has been doing it since before he started walking,” he muttered. Shaking his head, he gestured for me to lead the way. Carefully making my way down the stairs, I turned down a short hallway that opened into a room with a bed and dresser on opposite walls. Oliver was happily jumping on the bed.
“Oliver, please get down.” Anthony walked past me, setting my suitcase next to the dresser, then scooping Oliver back up into his arms. I watched the two of them for a moment, soaking in the love that Anthony had for his son. Carol told me what little details he had told her about what happened with Oliver’s mother, how she left one day and hadn’t asked for any kind of visitation or custody. It broke my heart thinking about a mother being able to just leave her child behind without a second thought.
Oliver’s giggles filled the room as Anthony tossed him into the air. After a moment, he stopped and Oliver snuggled into his dad’s shoulder. “I think Oliver is ready for a nap, so I will let you get settled. There is a full bathroom through that door,” he paused and pointed toward a door I hadn’t noticed until now. Then continued, “and if you need anything, do not hesitate to ask.”
“Thank you.” I smiled, suddenly feeling at home.
“No, thank you. You can jump right in tomorrow if that works,” Anthony whispered, tucking a now quiet Oliver onto his shoulder. I nodded my head. “Come up whenever, but no pressure. We’ll see you in the morning otherwise.” He turned, padding quietly out of the room with a now dozing Oliver cradled in his arms. Once I heard the door at the top of the steps close, I sat down on the bed and looked around the room.
My new beginning started today.
Chapter Eight
“As soon as things slow down here, I’m flying out for a visit. It’s been months and I miss you, babe,” Ivy whined and stuck out her bottom lip, pouting at me over our video call. I chuckled at the absurdity of this grown woman making the same face that Ollie does when he wants one more treat during the day. But she wasn’t wrong. It had been months since we’d seen each other, over three months, actually. I had quickly fallen into a groove with Ollie and Anthony, basically taking over every aspect of Ollie’s day to day schedule.
At the beginning, I asked Anthony for permission every morning. I’d met parents who, even though I spent more time with their children during the week than they did, still expected me to run every detail of the day past them for approval. It was exhausting. Anthony gave me free rein, even going as far as to tell me that I was the professional and I knew what was best. As long as Oliver kept that smile on his face, he didn’t care if we drove to Canada.
One of my biggest concerns with starting somewhere new had been finding a reputable car. I was surprised when Carol reached out to me because she had found one that needed some routine maintenance but was otherwise in amazing condition. She refused to let me pay her for it, insisting I accept it as a gift. I didn’t fight her on it too much, seeing as my small savings was already dwindling, but I promised her I would pay her back somehow. Everything seemed to oddly be working out.
“I miss you, too,” I acknowledged, blowing her a kiss, and her fake pout disappeared. We both laughed, and for a second, I forgot Ivy was a time zone away from me. It felt weird not having my best friend living in the same state, but this move had been good for me. Ivy reminded me of that every chance she got. As she had put it, I had my sparkle back. “Ollie should be up from his nap soon. There’s a small farmer’s market starting soon a few minutes from here, and I’m hoping I can get my hands on some fresh flowers to brighten up this place.” I pushed my laptop back before leaning against the kitchen island so I could still see Ivy but relieve some of the pressure from my aching feet.
“How’re things with Anthony going?” She gave me a knowing look, and I shook my head. Of course, I had let it slip to her the physical allure I had experienced when we first met.
“I barely see the man, let alone interact with him.” I rolled my eyes and heard her chuckling as I busied myself with prepping our bag for the day. “Whenever he’s home in time for dinner or bedtime with Ollie, I tend to give them space. Ollie doesn’t see him often, and I want them to have their special time without my hovering.”
“Has he made eyes at you again?” Ivy pushed, refusing to let this go. I stopped in front of the screen, covering my face and groaning.
“Ivy, I have thus far been able to keep things extremely professional between us. He won’t make eyes at me again. If he even made eyes at me the first time.” My voice was muffled behind my hands, and I swore I could hear muted giggles coming from the screen.
“Who won’t stop making eyes at you?” Startled, I jumped up straight and turned toward the familiar voice. Anthony was standing in the doorway to the kitchen, his button-down and dress slacks looking as if he had just run a marathon. I was caught in the gaze of his brown eyes, like a magnetic field pulling me in. The corner of his lips lifted in a cocky smile that had me practically melting in the middle of the kitchen.
Ivy cleared her throat, causing me to jump. Turning my head toward the screen, Ivy managed to shoot me a quick wink just as I gushed out a quick goodbye and slammed the laptop closed. Warmth rose into my cheeks and my stomach tightened. I closed my eyes, taking a breath, before turning back to Anthony.