Virgin employees are required to wear identification that must be visible at all times. No virgin may be penetrated without prior notification and consent of Club Management. A premium fee is required for said penetration.
Gina read the list and nodded. “These are as expected. Thank you.”
“I’ve reviewed these with all of our patrons, but they need to be reviewed again and signed,” I said. “First of all, we need to acknowledge that there is an inherent imbalance of power here. Every single one of our members is a billionaire. And the club employees are paid sex workers. As I said, the girls need to be protected at all costs. Each girl needs to understand that their consent for any activity is mandatory. If any of our members force them to do something that they’re unwilling to do, they need to report it to you immediately. And then you need to report it to me. Are we clear?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“I need to know every single thing that happens here. I am the CEO and president of this club—everyone answers to me, including my brothers.”
“I’ll be your eyes and ears on the floor,” Gina said, nodding.
“I’m glad we’re in agreement. So, let’s continue.” I sat back in my chair. “If the first rule is consent, the second is that if there’s consent, anything goes. That includes group sex, public sex, BDSM—if you can name it, they can do it here. If the patrons want something, we are going to make it happen for them.”
Gina’s eyes sparkled. “It’s a high-end, luxury adult playground.”
“Exactly. That’s what I want our member to be able to do here: play.” I clasped my hands together. “Which brings me to the third rule: no more than three interactions with a girl in a row. That renews every month because members might have their favorites, and that’s fine. But the club is not a place for relationships.”
“Understood, Mr. Blackwood,” the Madam said.
I continued, “While our members are certainly welcome to have their favorites, our employees are not. They have to be willing to spend time with all of our patrons. They can’t try to be girlfriends or wives unless the member comes to me first asking for such an arrangement. If they want things to progress on a personal level, the member would have to buy out the employee’s contract. That’s non-negotiable.“
Gina nodded. “I think it’s essential that I have daily check-ins with the girls. I need to know everything that’s going on so that if we see some special relationship developing, we can stay on top of it.”
“Exactly,” I agreed. “I think the three consecutive interactions rule will help with this. And when I say ‘interaction,’ I mean sex of any kind. Penetrative or not. I want the club to be fair. Each member should be able to experience every girl if they want to, no strings attached, and no waiting in line.”
I regarded Gina. “Do you have meetings scheduled with each of the patrons?”
“Yes,” she said. “I’m greeting each member privately to introduce myself and review the rules. Also, I’ve spoken with the girls at length about management expectations and will continue to educate them once they arrive.”
“Good.” I nodded. “I don’t want to deal with the girls directly, except for my initial meeting with the virgins. But if there are any issues that get out of hand, I need to be notified at once.”
“I won’t let you down. I’m going to make this as easy for you as possible,” Gina said. “We’ve hired an excellent group. This is going to work out brilliantly for everyone.”
“I hope so.”
She smiled at me. “I have a good feeling about it, Sir.”
I arched an eyebrow. “Then use that good feeling to talk to the girls about the cellphone rule because it’s non-negotiable. There are no personal cellphones or tablets allowed in the girls’ rooms—no exceptions. They are to be in your possession in a locked safe that I’ve installed in your suite.
“The girls are allowed to check their messages once a day, in the morning. But that’s it. No phone calls except for emergencies. We can’t have their personal lives complicating their duties here. At Club 444, it’s all fantasy, all the time. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Mr. Blackwood.”
“The final rule involves the virgins.” I shifted in my seat. Talking about the virgins made my cock stir, but that wasn’t the Madam’s business. “There are five total, correct?”
“Yes. And my sister is still actively recruiting for more,” Gina said.
“Five is a great start. We had necklaces made for each of the virgins. They are to wear them at all times,” I explained. “Our patrons are aware that virgins are available for a price. None of the virgins can be taken without Management’s express approval, and an additional fee of ten million dollars paid by the patron for a special tier of membership—platinum level.”
Gina looked impressed. “Will the three-interaction rule apply to patrons who pay for virgins?”
“Absolutely,” I said, my voice firm. “No one owns anyone here at the club. The patron may interact with his virgin three times and has sole initial penetration rights. But then they have to move on—just like everyone else. I need to make sure that you stay in front of this. Our virgins are a premium offering; it’s something that sets our club apart. Everyone wants a virgin.” Including me, I thought.
“I won’t let you down. You have my word.” She nodded.
“Excellent. I’m looking forward to meeting the girls you’ve assembled, Gina.”