She blinks, and her features soften. "You don’t strike me as someone who believes in fate."

"I don’t; I make my own. And my path"—I notch my knuckles under her chin—"leads to you."

She bites the inside of her cheek. "I wish I felt half as confident when it comes to us. I wish I had the life-experience to have faith in my choices. I wish?—"

"What?" I allow my lips to curve slightly. "What is it you wish?"

"I wish it were easier for me to acknowledge that part inside of me that loves to be dominated by you.”

I drag my thumb under her lower lip. "So, you found what I said interesting?"

"Don’t pretend you didn’t notice that I did."

"I want to hear it from your mouth."

"I thought you had other interests for my mouth," she says coyly.

The flare of heat in my groin is instantaneous. My already erect cock extends further. "So bloody sassy and yet, so innocent. So curious and yet, so shy. So ready to be led and yet, so much in denial. You’re so fucking full of contradictions, baby, it makes me want to throw you down and rut into you right now, but I won’t."

Her features flame.

"You’re a submissive in every curve and dip and hollow of your body, in how you come across to me, in how you lower your eyes whenever I walk into a room. All you need is permission to accept your base nature."

"And you’re the one who’s going to give me permission, I suppose?"

"You already know the answer to that." I wrap my fingers around the nape of her neck.

She holds my gaze, “I won’t give in without a fight.”

“And that, my wife, is what will you make your submission even more delicious.” Could she be any more perfect?

Whatever she reads on my features has her lowering her own. "I’m on the pill”—she swallows— “and you already have my bloodwork."

"And you have mine." I had her go by the doctor as soon as we first set the date for the wedding and emailed the results of my latest tests this morning. Thank God, I was thorough. It means, there need not be anything between us.

Her thoughts must be along the same lines because the color on her cheeks spreads to her neck. "This feels like it’s happening too fast."

"I understand." I lower my arm and put a little distance between us. "I promise, I’ll go easy on you… the first time."

"Um… thanks?" Some of the tension seems to drain out of her shoulders. "Though it certainly didn’t feel like that when you spanked me earlier."

"That was to remind you never to go behind my back and indulge in a stunt like you did earlier."

"You didn’t have to put a plug up my butthole for that."

“Speaking of…” I pull the phone from my pocket, and when I touch the app on the screen, she sighs.

“You stopped that thing from vibrating.”

“Because you’re ready.”

“Ready?” Her gaze widens. “Y-You mean?—”

"I mean, you’re not getting out of anal anytime soon.” I smirk.

“A...nal,” she squeaks.

“Thought you millennials preferred to skip the basics and go for the forbidden hole directly?”