I stomp inside, then into the closet. I begin to unbutton the shirt, but before I’m halfway through, he walks around to stand in front of me.

"What are you doing?"

“What does it look like? I’m getting out of the shirt I borrowed from you.”

“Leave it on. I like seeing you in my clothes,” he orders.

“So you can use this as another opportunity to rub it in your son’s face that we’re together? You can’t resist branding me as yours and flaunting our relationship in front of him, can you?”

A spasm of pain crosses his features. “This...is uncharted territory for me. You can’t blame me for wanting to shout to the world that you’re mine. At the same time, I’m aware how much it’s hurting him, and that it might alienate him forever, and I don’t want that. This is, likely, the last chance I have to mend fences with him. It’s why I asked him to move in.”

For a second, he looks uncertain and vulnerable, and my heart begins to soften, but I rein it in. "This"—I throw my hands up in the air—"you, me and him, in the same space?"

"Why not?"

I scowl. “Because seeing us together would make it clear to him there’s chemistry between us. And that would only show him what he’s missing.”

“Or it might make him realize we’re inevitable,” he points out.

“While putting me in an embarrassing situation. How do you think it'll feel for me to see the guy who dumped me at the altar in the hallway as I'm going to the loo?"

I finish unbuttoning the shirt and when the plackets gape, his gaze is drawn to my exposed breasts. His eyes widen. His nostrils flare. And when I look at the crotch of his pants, the telltale bulge there gives him away. A surge of power courses through my veins.

This attraction between us is real. It’s why he brought me here. It’s why I came willingly. I wasn’t thinking too far out into the future last night, not beyond the possibility of a marriage to him… Or the prospect of not marrying him when my month of consideration is up.

But the run-in with Felix has shown me a glimpse of the future. This awkwardness between the three of us is going to taint our relationship, no matter how much time passes.

“Q?” I prompt him. “Did you hear what I said?”

He blinks, then seems to wrench his gaze away from my body and to my face. “I hear you.” He draws in a breath, then runs his hand over his head. “I understand how uncomfortable this situation is for you. It is for me, too.” He chooses his words carefully. “The last thing I want is my son under my roof while I attempt to start this new phase of my life with you. The last thing I want is for you to be reminded of how much Felix hurt you. But I’m also aware of how pissed-off he is about this situation, and rightly so. I’m afraid that in asking you to marry me, I may have alienated my son forever. He’s the only immediate family I have, and if I don’t do something I’ll lose him. And I... I can’t let that happen. But also, I want... No, I need you in my life.”

I’m sure he’ll take my hand, but he seems to respect my need for space. Instead, his gaze bores into mine.

"I need both of you in my life.”

His blue eyes turn almost indigo with emotion. Tension radiates off of him.

“Timing is everything, and if I don’t do something to show Felix I’m committed to resolving our conflict, I will have lost my son. I couldn’t live with that.”

Neither could I.

He must sense me thawing, for he takes a step forward. Not enough to touch me, but enough for the heat of his body to envelop me. Enough for that spicy scent of his to deepen. And damn, but my entire body lights up. I should move away, but it feels so good to be near him.

“I need you with me, under my roof, Raven.” He locks his gaze with mine. “You mean so much to me. But so does Felix. And the only way I can continue to have some kind of relationship with him is by having him under my roof for a short period of time.”

His voice is so gentle, his tone so tender, the worry in his eyes is so real, my stupid heart melts completely.

“It’s only for a little while; just until Felix and I arrive at some kind of understanding,” he coaxes.

Oh, my god, am I really going to do this? Am I going to agree to live under the same roof as Felix?

Quentin could have used that bossy voice of his, and I’d have given in earlier, but he didn’t. And he hasn’t leveraged the chemistry between us to seduce me into agreeing, either. Maybe that's why I pull my hand from his and shake a finger under his nose. “Fine then. But keep him away from me. Can you do that?"

The tension drains from his shoulders. The fine lines around his beautiful mouth smooth out, and dang it, but a flush of satisfaction warms me. Ugh, I care for this man more than I realized. And I do want to see him happy. When did I begin to develop feelings for him?

"I’ll do my best to make sure the two of you don’t run into each other; you have my word.” His voice rings with conviction.

I nod. It’s not the same as not having Felix living in this house, but it’s the best I can hope for, under the circumstances. I suppose. I shrug out of his shirt, then walk over to the laundry basket and pull out the blouse I was wearing yesterday.