"Yes"—I clear my throat—"yes Sir!"

And he fucks me again, and again and again, the jut of his pelvic bone rubbing my clit with each thrust, until I’m poised, once more, on the crest of that wave threatening to sweep me away.

"Please," I croak, the sound a broken thread that seems to satisfy him, for he whispers back, "Give me your orgasm, baby. Come for me."

And my climax instantly pours out of me. I’m aware I throw my head back and meet with the hardness of his palm, that he must have placed behind my head to shield me. I’m aware of my cum flowing out to bathe his cock, and then with a low roar, he joins me. He holds me as the aftermath jolts me. Holds me against the sweat-stained front of his shirt. Draws his fingers down my hair in long soothing strokes that make me melt further. When my body quietens, he gently lowers my feet to the ground. When he pulls out, liquid dribbles down my inner thigh. We both watch as a trail of white gleams against my skin.

"Jesus," he breathes, then pushes the cum back up my thigh and inside my cunt.

"You’re filthy," I manage to not moan when I say it.

"And you’re mine." He kisses me deeply, and my heart bangs into my ribcage.

Something drums against my back, then, "Vivian, you guys in there?" A voice cuts through the thoughts in my head. I stiffen, but Q continues to kiss me.

"Viv? Vivian"

I recognize the woman’s voice.

I push against his shoulder, and he releases me.

"That’s Zoey, she must have come looking for us,” I whisper.

"Vivian, you okay?" Zoey calls out.

"I... Yes," I call out, "we’ll be out soon."

"Everyone’s looking for you; don’t take too long." She chuckles. "See you out there."

I straighten my clothes, then glance around. "I need to clean myself."

"No, you don’t."

"What?" I frown.

"I want you to go out there with my cum dripping down your legs, so everyone knows who you belong to."

Oh my God, I shiver. That possessiveness in his tone is such a turn on. I’ll never get over how much I love that I am his. My husband. My master. My dominant.

I lower my chin, and cast my eyes downward. "It is my honor to wear your cum, Sir.”



She looked at me like she was both turned on and aghast that I’d ask that of her. But when I pulled up her shorts and zipped her up, she let me.

I unlock the door, then kiss her one last time, before I turn her around and urge her forward. I keep my arm about her shoulders as I guide her back to the show. As soon as we enter the hall, applause greets us. She blushes, and I savor her pleasure. I don’t take my gaze off her features as she thanks everyone for coming and supporting her art.

Then she turns to me and whispers, "Thank you," before going up on tiptoes to kiss me. Damn, it promptly gets me hard, and when she tries to pull away, I grasp the back of her head and deepen the kiss. By the time I release her, she’s wearing that dazed expression I know so well.

There’s clapping—from her friends, and whistles—from my asshole nephews—all of which I acknowledge with a wave. She looks like she wants to slap me, then kiss me, all of which I have no problem with. Then she shakes her head and kisses me again, hard. She pulls away, this time, before I can band my arms about her waist.

I wait until the round of congratulations dies down, then whisper, "Ready to get out of here?"

She lets me lead her out of the art gallery, past the waiting crowds and my nephews—minus Ryot, who I haven’t seen since our fight—and out onto the sidewalk. When she sees my restored Indian Four parked on the road, she stops.

I walk over to the bike and pat her broad gas tank. It’s a classic. One I found for a steal and restored. When I ride, I switch off the thinking part of my brain and allow my subconscious to mull possibilities. And my life is filled with so much potential. When I stepped down as CEO it was the most liberating feeling in the world. It felt like I’d been given a chance to start all over again. Being married to the love of your life will do that to you too. I feel like I’ve been given wings. I want to fly and soar and explore new horizons. I want to do everything I’d dreamed of but kept putting off. I need to personify this first-day-of-the-rest-of-my life feeling. Which is why I decided to eschew my fleet of cars and take my bike to Raven’s showing. Then, there was the hope that she’d agree to be mine fully and I could take my wife for a ride and show her off to the world. It seems more in keeping with this new phase of my life, which is why I opted to ride it here.