I wait for him to share more, but he doesn’t. He’s a master at keeping secrets, this man. But that makes me more curious. I want to find out more about him. If I’m going to consider his proposal—which I am not... yet—I need to understand this motives, right?

“What do you get from this marriage?” I tip up my chin. “Why are you offering me so much money?”

His forehead clears. Apparently, this is an easier conversation for him than sharing about his past.

"When I retired from the Marines, my father wanted me to join the family business and take over as the CEO of one of the Davenport Group companies.” He takes his seat opposite me.

"Sounds like a good deal. You turn up, and just like that”—I snap my fingers— “you have a job waiting for you."

"Ah, Arthur wants his pound of flesh. I’ll get my due, provided I give him what he wants."

"Which is?"

The muscle at his jawline flexes. "He wants me to find a wife and settle down.”

I blink slowly. "Wow. Rich people live in a different world. He demands you get married, and you offer me money if I agree to your proposal.”

"It's not like that."

I stare at him, and he has the grace to flush.

"Not only.” He rubs the back of his neck. “I admit, his putting down that condition meant I had marriage on my mind. And then I saw you, and something clicked."

Warmth floods my veins.

"Once my role as the CEO within the division is confirmed, I stand to inherit a lot of money.” He leans forward in his seat. “It’s fair you get a percentage of it. One million when we tie the knot within the month. Another when we complete a year."

The warmth fades away, and once again, a chill invades my skin. I pull the throw around my shoulders.

"And then, what? We walk away from each other?"

A strange look comes into his eyes before he manages to hide it. Wearing that cool, distant mask I’m coming to recognize as his default expression, he raises a shoulder. "If that’s what you want."

Huh? "Isn’t that what you want?"

"I want… whatever makes you happy."

"How is paying me money in return for my marrying you going to make me happy?"

"It’s going to pay for your sister’s education and for your father’s treatment. I assume that’s one reason you would be."

"There are more reasons?" I can’t stop myself from asking.

A sly look comes into his eyes. "One specific reason."

"Oh?" I frown.


"I’m sorry, I don’t understand."

He holds up his hand as if he’s taking a pledge. "I solemnly promise to give you so many O’s, you won't want to leave when the year is up."

I flush, all the way to the roots of my hair. No one has ever talked to me this way. Worse, how can I be so turned on by his filthy talk? I squeeze my thighs together, then tip up my chin. "You’re uncouth."

"I also promise, I’ll be honest with you." He leans a hip against the table.

"You’re my ex’s father."