Page 91 of The Unwanted Wife

"Where do you think you’re going, old man?" he growls.

Brody and Tyler join him, flanking him on either side. Connor watches with a frown on his face. Clearly, he’s not happy with his brothers’ actions. He’s not stopping them, though.

"I don’t want any fighting." Quentin holds up his hands. "Also, not sure our eighteen-year age difference warrants your referring to me as old, but if it makes you feel better..." He shrugs.

A vein throbs at Knox’s temple. The tips of his ears grow white. Never a good sign.

I rise to my feet. "Guys, this is something Ryot and Quentin need to sort out between themselves. I understand it’s a good thing you’re all doing by backing up Ryot, but not sure if fisticuffs are the way to solve this."

"Whose side are you on?" Tyler growls.

"I’m on no one’s side."

"That’s because you got the Group CEO role," Knox growls.

"Is that what you want? The role? Say the word, and I’ll be happy to hand it over to you."

I sense the others staring at me in surprise. Knox frowns. He seems to consider my suggestion, then shakes his head. "Nah, it doesn’t work that way. The old man promised it to me, and he broke his promise. You deciding you don’t want the role and handing it over doesn’t cut it."

"Ah"—I stroke my chin—"it’s Arthur’s approval you seek?"

He grunts. "You a pop psychologist?"

"Nope, just seen enough of the world. No matter how much we grow up, or"—I shoot a glance at Quentin—"or how far we run, we’re always looking for our parents to accept us."

"Is that what you want from Arthur? Is that why you returned to the family fold?" Quentin murmurs.

"In some ways, I suppose I was. My mother didn’t let a day go by without talking about my father. Arthur’s wife may have paid her off, but she always saw herself as a Davenport. Maybe that’s why, when Arthur called, I came." And also because it gave me the opportunity to take revenge.

Silence follows my announcement. Guess the men weren’t expecting me to be this honest? Hell, I wasn’t expecting to be this honest. Apparently, along with falling in love, I’ve also forgotten how to keep my secrets. Or perhaps, my subconscious has decided it’s time to be vulnerable? Share a little of myself with my half-brothers. Make them feel more comfortable around me, so when I break up the company and sell it off, it’s going to hurt so much more. Nothing like one of your own betraying you to wreak the worst devastation. And that’s what I want, after all. I want them to suffer the way my mother did. I want them to feel the anger, the pain, the rage, the helplessness I felt every single day of my growing years. All because my father and his family thought she wasn’t good enough for them.

I’ll never allow that to happen to my wife. Which is why it’s important Arthur acknowledges her as a Davenport, and ensures she gets all the advantages that go with it. She’ll never face the loneliness and the isolation my mother did. She’ll never feel she’s been abandoned. Of course, it’s not just the money that matters, but the fact that my mother did not have to worry about that, is the only reason I’m still alive. Yes, my grandmother took care of us in that way, but the lack of emotional acceptance is what ate away at my mother.

My wife will never face that. She was chosen by my grandfather, after all. I used to think it was a coincidence that it turned out I already knew her… But was it?

I’m convinced Arthur had it all planned out. He knew that we knew each other, that her brother Ben was my best friend, and that I never forgot her. I bet he found out that I was keeping an eye on her bakery. But he must have noticed that I didn’t approach her. He must have thought I needed a nudge—anything to get me to come face to face with her, so as to trigger a reaction in me—which he was right about. I saw her that day in her bakery and knew I could no longer stay away from her. I’m more convinced than ever that he planned everything so we’d meet, knowing a possible outcome was that I’d marry her. All Arthur cares is that everyone of marriageable age is settled before he pops it.

The worst thing? In this particular case, I can’t fault him. Gramps has his merits, after all. Just not enough for me to spare his life’s work.

And it’s not like any of them are going to end up the streets after this. The Davenports have enough money stashed away in accounts and real-estate around the world to lead a very good life. Enough to inject capital into the formation of a new company, if they choose. Enough to buy back the shares of the existing companies, if they choose. All I’m doing is providing them a reality check. Enough to not take their money for granted anymore. Hell, they should be grateful I’m giving them a life lesson.

And what does it say about you? I squeeze the bridge of my nose. Falling for my wife is making me vulnerable in all areas of my life. It’s fucking confusing, feeling this way. It was a lot easier when my goal was clear. Take revenge for how they treated my mother. That’s what’s guided me to this point. And now…? Now, all I know is she’s the most important thing in my life. Spending time with her is what matters most. Taking care of her, protecting her… Coming clean to her? That, too. I can’t keep putting that off. I look around and notice that all eyes in the room are on me.

"What?" I scowl at the men.

"Something on your mind, bro?" Knox prowls over to stand over me. "You look disturbed."

"You’d be, too, if you were pussy whipped," Brody snickers.

I lean back in my seat. "Sounds like you’re jealous."

"Sounds like you can’t stand an hour’s absence from her, " he scoffs.

"Never denied that." I hold up my hands. "I’ll be the first to admit, I’m in love with my wife. I’d rather spend an evening with her than any more time with you jokers."

I rise to my feet. "I wish I could say I don’t envy you?—"

"But you do."