Page 63 of The Unwanted Wife

I shrug. "If you think I’m disturbed by your rather macabre explanation, I’m not."

"I didn’t expect you to be. Not after the gumption you’ve shown thus far."

"Gumption, and me?" I slide my fingers up his shoulders. His sinews writhe under my touch, and when I wrap my arms about his neck, the pulse at the base of his throat speeds up. His features, though, don’t change expression. Tough customer, this one. "If I had more courage, I’d have held out and not accepted your proposal to bail me out."

"And risked losing the business?" He shakes his head. "You were smart enough to know when you needed help. And I’m not saying it because it brought you back into my life. No, being a smart entrepreneur means knowing when to seek help."

"Wow, more praise from you? Is it sunny in London today?" I pretend to look toward the window.

“What about your tattoo?” He runs his thumb across the tiny cat-shaped outline I have etched into the inside of my left wrist.

“That’s in memory of Cocoa, my first and only kitten. She kept me company when Ben left to join the Marines. She ran away one day and never returned. I missed her so much, especially because she was my constant companion… My best friend, given I didn’t have that many friends in school.”

“I’m sorry.” He brushes his lips across my mouth, and I sigh.

“It was a long time ago.”

“Is your bakery?—”

“Named after her?” I smile. “It is. She was a fierce little thing. I swear she thought she was more dog than cat, given the number of fights she got into with any dog she came across.”

He nibbles his way up my jawline, then tugs on my earlobe. My thighs tremble, and my pussy clenches. My breasts seem to swell, and I squirm against him. “Nate, please,” I whine.

“You ready to take my cock up your arse?”

I blink, then pull back. When I jerk my chin up, it’s to find he’s smirking.

"Very smooth change of subject. Not!” I slap at his chest. “Don’t get your hopes high on that, buster."

"Aww, wife…” His lips turn down. “You’re not going to deny me, are you?"

My heart does that little dance in my chest that it does every time he calls me ‘wife.’ Ugh, all he has to growl is 'my wife,’ and I’ll probably let him fuck me there, too.

He must see the capitulation on my face, because his own brightens. "I take it, that’s a yes?"

"It’s not a no." I toss my head. "What is it with guys and anal?"

"It’s the forbidden, baby. Not to mention, it’s that tight chokehold on our cocks that makes it the best possible sex ever."

“For you, maybe.”

“That’s where you’re wrong…”

"Well, it’s not very intimate." I purse my lips.

"How would you know?"



"Um, because—" She opens and shuts her mouth. "You’re right, I don’t. But I’m going based on what I’ve read about it."

"In your romance novels?"

"There, too, but not only. There’s this thing called the internet; you know?"

He snickers. "That sassy mouth of yours is going to get you into so much trouble."