Page 77 of The Unwanted Wife

"What else are you carrying in those pockets?" I joke.

"Only my love for you." He punches the straw into the hole and hands it to me, and my heart… It melts. Literally. He urges me to take the medicine, and once I’ve swallowed the pill, he sits down in the chair, then pulls me into his lap. I curl into his chest, and he strokes my hair.

"I’d have never guessed you were so tender, so thoughtful, so caring, so everything." I rub my cheek against his jacket. It’s more erotic than the orgasms he pulls from my body. It denotes a level of intimacy I never thought I’d have in my life. He kisses the top of my head, and I close my eyes.

The next thing I know, I hear Hugo’s soft, "Sky Pie?"



"You want to bequeath all your money and assets to your wife?" Arthur frowns at me from under his bushy eyebrows. We’re in his den at his place.

It’s been two days since Hugo woke up in the hospital. He seemed to be absolutely fine and delighted to see Skylar. He was remorseful and told her he was sorry for the temper tantrum he’d thrown. Apparently, he remembered his meltdown.

He said it’d felt like he was having an out-of-body experience, like he was outside his body and watching himself have that blow up. He knew it was wrong but was unable to stop himself. He wanted to apologize to those he’d hurt. He proceeded to apologize to Skylar again, profusely. Then, he admitted he’d been pretending to swallow his medication for the last few days, instead, spitting them out, which might explain why he lost control.

Then, just like that, he transformed in front of our eyes. His voice shifted, becoming younger, his features softened, and he asked Skylar why she was there. It was like he’d switched off that aware part of his brain and lapsed into someone younger.

Skylar stiffened, but she didn’t show her sadness on her face. She switched gears and spoke to Hugo like he was a child. Hugo referred to her as his older sister, and she played along. He slowly became aware he was in the hospital and wondered what had happened. By the time she finished explaining, he’d fallen asleep.

I got breakfast, both for her and Hugo, and while they were eating, I left the room to make some calls. By the time I rejoined them, I’d made the arrangements to move Hugo to an enhanced facility. While money alone wouldn’t have been enough for such a quick turnaround, it’s amazing what the Davenport name can get you in this city.

My wife called up his existing care home and explained to them that Hugo wouldn’t be returning, and from what she told me, they were relieved. Not the least because there was a waiting list for people to take his place in the state-run place.

I arranged for a team to help with the transition, and as soon as they arrived, we set off toward the new establishment. There, I left my wife to help Hugo get settled in. I told her not to worry about the bakery, that along with the girl she’d hired, I’d arranged for a team to help her with interviewing more people, so she could get additional help behind the counter. When my wife seemed like she was on the verge of tears, I kissed her hard, thus distracting her, then told her I needed to get to the office. Enroute, I’d stopped at Arthur’s place.

"You’re sure about this?" He scrutinizes my features, as if trying to understand my intentions.

"She’s my wife?—"

"Of a few days."

"I’ve known her for almost ten years," I point out.

"True." He absent-mindedly pats Tiny’s head. The big dog had walked into the den, and after sniffing me and making sure I scratched him behind his ear, he padded around to sit his butt next to Arthur’s chair and watch our conversation, looking between the two of us like he could understand every word. "But you haven’t been married for very long."

"You don’t have to be married for years to know when something is right. I knew she was the one when I set eyes on her, and the feeling has only grown since she became my wife."

Arthur looks at me with something like shock. "Why, my boy, who’d have guessed there’s a romantic underneath that bluster?" His eyes sparkle.

"Don’t say I told you so?—"

"I told you so," he says with satisfaction in his eyes.

Tiny adds a woof. I scowl at the big dog, who pants at me.

"Fine, I concede this. Maybe there’s some method to your madness; or maybe, it’s luck that your machinations paid off."

"Does it matter? You found your soul mate."

And it won’t be long before she hates me, which is why it’s important I get this contract drawn up and signed by Arthur. "There’s one more thing."

"Oh?" As if he senses what’s coming, and wants to prepare for it, he reaches into the humidor on his desk and pulls out a cigar. He offers it to me, and when I refuse, takes his time cutting off the tip, then places it between his lips and lights up. I shift in my seat as he blows out a puff of smoke, then leans back. "Let me guess. You want me to make sure I add her name to the list of Davenports who are eligible for the monthly allowance from the company? This would cement her status as one of the family, and should something happen to you, or god forbid, you decide to sever ties from us, she continues to benefit from the growth of the business."

I nod. "And if the business fails, for some reason, or is sold off—not that that’s going to happen?—"

"Of course not." He puffs out another cloud of smoke.