Page 70 of The Unwanted Wife

"Oh—" I swallow. "Is that good?"

"For me, yes. For you? Definitely. Because you’re the recipient of my ministrations. You’re the one who benefits from my teasing and taunting, and my chasing you?—"

"Chasing? Because you love primal play?"

He nods. "It’s the thrill of the chase. Apparently, being on a mission is what gets me going. And when the mission is to catch my woman and spank her and tie her up and take her to the edge a dozen times before I finally fuck her, it satisfies something in me."

"Especially when I resist?" Something in my subconscious pushes me to ask.

I know I’m on the right track when he strokes his chin and rumbles, "Especially when you give me a chance to overpower you and hold you down and touch you and learn every dip and hollow of your body and bring you to the edge again and again and deny you an orgasm so that when I finally allow it, it’ll be the single most superlative experience in your life."

"Wow," I breathe. A thousand butterflies flutter in my belly. If he keeps up this dirty talk, I’m going to be a sodden mess.

"I may like inflicting pain, but I also remain human. I can often see when it’s too much. But often isn't always. And I want you to feel free to speak to me. To tell me if you don’t like something, or if we go too far. I want you to continuously communicate with me. I will keep checking in with you to make sure you’re okay. And when you tell me to stop, I will."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that." He wraps his fingers about my nape of my neck and tilts my head, so I have no choice but to hold his gaze. "What do you say?"



"Yes," she says without hesitation, and it’s enough to make me bend her over this table and take her from behind. But I won’t. Because today is our wedding night, and she deserves it to be the most special one of her life.

"And you’ll do as I ask of you?"

She nods again.

"And you’ll let me fuck you in any hole I want."

This time, she purses her lips. "You mean, the one that shall not be named?"

"That, too." I smirk.

"You wouldn’t be smirking if you were facing the prospect of having something stuck up your backside." She sniffs.

This time, I bark out a laugh. "You can say no."

"Hmm." She looks torn. "I would, except?—"


"I have a sneaky feeling I might be missing out.”

"You would." I slide my palm down to grab a handful of her wide backside. "When I bear down on you’re A-spot, while stimulating your G-spot?—"

"Hold on, there’s an A spot?" There’s skepticism in her voice.

"Indeed, there is. And no, I’m not making it up. And when I stimulate both at the same time?—"

"It’s a double orgasm?"

"Or an O to the power of—" I let the sentence hang in the air.

She narrows her gaze on me. "You’re not saying this just to?—"

"Get in your backside? Nope, you can search for it online, if you want."