"Hmm." I take another sip of my tea. It’s hot enough to burn the roof of my mouth. Just how I like it. Knox is here to find out more about my relationship with Nathan, that much is clear. I bet it’s because he wants to use it against Nathan in some way. Nathan hasn’t mentioned anything about Knox, but I can sense Knox would love nothing more than to put Nathan at a disadvantage. It’s more than sibling rivalry. This feels a bit more serious.
"My fiancé is a very intense man." I incline my head. "He has strong sentiments when it comes to anything that belongs to him. He—" The buzzing of what sounds like a helicopter approaching drowns out my voice. The sound grows even louder. In fact, it sounds like it’s just outside my front door. The windows and tables rattle. I grab my cup of tea to stop it from spilling. Knox steadies his cup.
"You were saying?—"
"Uh, that Nathan can be a bit over-zealous when it comes to what he owns, like his company and—" I peer through the glass windows of the cafe to find a helicopter landing on the road out front. My jaw drops. "Holy Schitt’s Creek… Is that…?"
"A helicopter? I believe so." Knox leans back in his seat and there’s a smug look on his face. "You think he’s over-zealous enough to fly over from his office to declare his ownership of his woman?"
The door flies open, and Nathan stalks inside. Without breaking stride, he reaches Knox, who’s smirking in his chair. "The fuck are you doing here?" he snaps.
"I’m having a coffee with your fiancée. The fuck you doing here, bro?"
Nate curls his fingers into fists. "Why are you here?"
"You’re getting married in less than a week; thought I should meet your intended and get to know her better." His expression turns innocent. "Especially since you seem to be hiding her from the rest of us."
"My prerogative," he growls.
"And it’s mine to come by, meet her, and admire this bakery she’s worked so hard to set up. As for the desserts"—he gestures to the cakes on display—"I think I’d love to taste one."
"Of course, coming right up."
I jump up—right now, every sale counts—when?—
"Sit down," my fiancé says through gritted teeth.
"Oh, but?—"
"Knox was just leaving." Nathan’s jaw tics.
Knox’s grin widens. "Oh, but I haven’t tasted her?—"
"—don’t fucking say it," Nathan snaps.
Nathan grabs Knox by his collar, hauls him to his feet, pulls back his fist, and let’s it fly, and?—
"Nathan, stop," I cry out.
—pauses within an inch of his half-brother’s features.
Knox’s smile widens. "Don’t stop, big bro."
"Don’t do it." I lock my fingers together. "Please, Nate."
He releases Knox so suddenly, he stumbles back, then rights himself. He straightens his collar, then clicks his tongue. "Temper, temper. The CEO of the Davenport Group almost beating up his younger brother? Now, that would have made a fine headline in the media. And where would that have left your bid to confirm your position, eh? You know how much Arthur hates any kind of scandal. He loves to run a tight ship, that man."
The vein at Nathan’s temple pulses with such force, I’m sure it’s going to snap through his skin. "Out." He stabs his thumb in the direction of the door. "Get the fuck out."
Knox laughs. "Whatever you say, big bro." He turns to me and half-bows. "A pleasure, m’lady. Maybe I’ll get to taste your Vaja?—”
Nathan makes a growling noise and Knox smirks.
“—your desserts, next time."
He brushes past Nathan and heads out the door. The tinkling of the bell fills the space, then fades away. In the silence that falls over the shop, his anger screams louder than words ever could. He’s wound so tightly; the tension vibrates off of his big body and slams into my chest. His displeasure is so thick in the space between us, I could cut the air with a knife. I bend to gather my mug and Knox’s when Nate growls, "Leave it."