“How did you know?”

“You didn’t split up. There’s too much love in your voice when you talk about him.”

“He started feeling real tired about two years after he got his dream job. We’d been saving money, hoping to find our little house and then get pregnant. He kept saying he just needed to catch up on his sleep, but I made him go to the doctor.” She paused, remembering the shock, the sense of disbelief when he was diagnosed. “It was some kind of leukemia. Not one of the good ones. He fought for the next three years and then he died.”

She turned away as tears filled her eyes. “The drugs were expensive and not all covered by insurance. Nobody tells you that—at least we didn’t know. Cancer’s expensive. So when he was gone, I had a stack of bills.”

She looked at Erica. “I paid them all. Every one.”

“I know you did.”

“I tried to get on with my life, but it was hard. I didn’t have much, not even a baby. We’d wanted to wait until we bought our house. I wish we hadn’t. I wish we’d gotten me pregnant so I would have Levi’s child.” She hesitated. “I don’t say that to disrespect Peter.”

“You don’t have to explain yourself, Allison. I get it. If Levi hadn’t died, you’d still be together, with three kids and a house out in Redmond. Everything would be different.”

There was such kindness in her words, such understanding. “You’re nothing like I thought,” Allison blurted. “I’m sorry for thinking mean things about you.”

Erica smiled. “You weren’t my favorite person, either. I guess we know each other a lot better now.” Her smile faded. “I’m sorry about Levi.”

“Me, too. He was a good, good man.”

She hated to admit it but she knew down to her bones he would never have done what Peter did. He wouldn’t have risked his family’s future. A great truth, but not one that was very comforting in her current situation because in the end, even though he hadn’t wanted to, Levi had left her just as alone.

Erica lay on her back, doing her best to catch her breath as lingering shudders from her recent orgasm rippled through her body. Killion was stretched out next to her, his chest rising and falling as he, too, recovered. The bed was big and comfortable and despite the fact that it was barely seven thirty in the evening, she was tempted to let herself fall asleep.

Killion rolled to face her, placing his warm hand on her belly. She opened her eyes to find him watching her.

“Thank you,” he said when their gazes locked. “That was very nice.”

The understatement made her smile. “Adequately satisfying.”

His mouth twitched. “A jolly good time.” His hand roamed over her breasts as he leaned close and kissed her. “In fact you’re nearly always a good time.”

She laughed. “Nearly always? When am I not?”

“I take back the ‘nearly.’”

“Too late. You said it. Now you have to be punished.”

His green eyes brightened with amusement. “I didn’t know you were into that. How would you like to punish me?”

She sat up. “Please don’t tell me you like to be spanked or dominated. I won’t judge but I swear, it’s really not my thing.”

“You don’t want me to call you Ms. Sawyer and tell you I’ve been bad.” He laughed as he slid out of bed. “Don’t worry. My desires fall well within the ordinary range.”

“As do mine.”

He held out his hand. “Let’s take a shower, then I’ll feed you.”

She joined him and together they walked naked into the spacious bathroom. Twenty minutes later they were toweling off before slipping on bathrobes and heading downstairs. While she sat at the counter, he studied the contents of the refrigerator.

“Omelets?” he asked. “I have cheese and sweet peppers, along with mushrooms.”


She walked into the pantry to see what treats Napoleon had left on the bread shelf. There was an assortment of muffins from a little bakery in the neighborhood. She brought the box to the island before putting out flatware and napkins, then she rinsed the fresh berries Killion had set out.

“How was the meeting with Peter’s lawyer?” Killion asked.