Killion and Summer moved the playpen into the living room while Mara got Jackson settled—drum and all. When they were all back in the kitchen, Killion held out the last gift bag.

“Did you think I forgot you?”

Erica flushed slightly. “I would never think that.” She drew out a simple white silk robe. The fabric puddled in her hand as she touched it, then flowed to the floor like water.

“It’s beautiful,” she said. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Once again their eyes locked. Summer and Mara didn’t seem to notice, but Allison was acutely aware of the other couple, mostly because she desperately missed what they had.

Until he’d been arrested and taken from her, Peter and she had shared the same kind of communication. They could be in a crowd, separated by a dozen people, but if they were able to look at each other, they knew what the other was thinking. At least that was how she’d always assumed it was. Maybe she was wrong—after all, the man had a whole secret life she hadn’t known anything about.

“You all right?” Summer asked.

“Fine.” Allison offered what she hoped was a big happy smile. “Shall we get the cocktails and appetizers together?”

With the bread already crispy, it only took a few minutes to assemble the bruschetta. While Allison carried the trays into the living room, Summer made their mocktails. Mara and Killion put together the cocktails.

“A Tom Collins,” Killion said with approval. “Classic and unexpected.”

“It was her idea,” Erica told him. “I’ve never heard of them.”

“I’m sure one of her gentleman friends introduced her to the drink,” Killion murmured.

“Gentleman friend. Is that what we’re calling the string of men you—”

“Erica, that’s enough.”

Mara’s tone was friendly, but Erica immediately pressed her lips together. Seconds later, she laughed. “How do you still have that power over me? I’m an adult with a grown child of my own.”

“Years of training,” Mara told her with a wink.

Once they were all seated, with Jackson banging in the background, Killion held up his glass.

“To an evening with beautiful women. Thank you for including me in your company.”

Mara smiled at Allison. “He’s very smooth.”

“So I see.”

She tried the mocktail Summer had put together for them. The combination of flavors was refreshing without being too tart.

“This is good,” she said, holding up her glass.

“I’m glad you like it.”

Killion asked about Summer’s softball schedule.

“It’s still two games a week.”

“Unless it’s three,” Erica told him, then smiled at her daughter. “Don’t forgot about the invitationals.”

“Yes, but on most invitational weeks, those are the only games we play.”

“I wonder if Jackson would enjoy watching you play,” Mara mused. She turned to Allison. “Do you ever go to the games?”

“I haven’t.” Going by herself felt weird, plus she was always working. Or she had been. Should she start going now? “Peter and I went last season when the team made the finals.”