“You still look shell-shocked.”

“Good, because that’s how I feel.”

“Want to go get a drink?”

Erica glanced at the clock on her computer. “It’s quarter to ten in the morning.”

“Still, desperate times.”

“Thanks, Mom, but I don’t think day drinking is the best solution. Not that there is a problem. Allison isn’t moving in with us.”

Mara sat down and leaned toward her. “You’re going to tell Summer no? She’ll be heartbroken. The situation really is dire.”

“I know that and I’m not completely heartless. I’m going to rent her an apartment. She’ll pay me what she can and I’ll take care of the rest.”

“What about when she has the baby? Who’s going to take care of Jackson?”

“She has friends. Someone can step in.”

“How is she supposed to manage with a newborn and a toddler? What if there’s a problem with the birth or the baby? How does she deal with all that?”

“She’s not the only single woman on the planet having a baby.”

“But she’s the one Summer knows.”

Erica glared at her mother. “I thought you were here to help.”

“I am.” Mara’s tone gentled. “You’re ignoring the heart of the situation. I understand that you don’t like it and don’t want to deal with it, but as far as Summer is concerned, Allison and Jackson are her family.”

“So she tells me daily.” And every time was a little dagger to her heart.

“This isn’t an argument you’re going to win. Summer will wear you down.”

Erica didn’t want to address that. “She’s asking for the impossible. That woman isn’t moving into my house.”

“It solves a lot of problems.”

“Not for me.” She narrowed her gaze. “You want this. You think Allison should come live with us.”

“It’s not the worst idea in the world.”

“How can you even say that? I don’t know her. She’s Peter’s wife. The man left me. Explain to me why I should give a rat’s ass about my ex-husband’s wife and his child.”

“It’s the right thing to do and you’ve never been comfortable being a bitch.”

“I have employees who would disagree with you.”

“No, you don’t.” Her mother’s mouth flattened. “It’s a huge ask. Years from now Summer will be shocked that she insisted and even more surprised that you said yes. The woman has nowhere to go. She’s not your family, but she is important to your daughter. You have to be the bigger person and say yes.”

Erica turned away, hating that she’d been put in this position and resenting the possibility that her mother might be right.

“I don’t want to talk about it anymore.” She needed time to think. She needed to figure out another option and she needed more information.

“I’m going to see Peter,” she said.

Her mother stared at her in surprise. “In jail?”

“That’s where he is. I need more information and Peter is the only one who has it.”