“No. He told me ten years was the most he could give. That he’d tried to make it work, but he couldn’t. So he left and we never saw him again. It took me five years to stop missing him and get on with my life.”

That long? She hadn’t known. “But you acted like you were fine.”

“You were my daughter. You didn’t need to know about my suffering. You were dealing with your own broken heart. Eventually my game of pretend turned into reality and I was all right.” She paused. “But here’s the thing. He hurt me so much, I vowed to never risk love again and I haven’t.”

“There are tons of men in your life.”

“Casually, yes, but I don’t let them stay. I don’t get serious. I’m seventy years old, Erica, and I’ve lived most of my adult life alone. It was a stupid decision to make then and it’s still stupid. The problem is, this is all I know and I’m too old to change. You still have time and you have a wonderful man who loves you. Don’t be a fool and don’t let Peter win.”

“This isn’t about Peter.”

“Of course it is. He hurt you so badly, you’re afraid to take another chance. But Killion is three times the man Peter ever was. You’re equals. With him you can be yourself fearlessly. That’s a gift. Don’t waste your life like I wasted mine.”


Erica got home a little after ten. She expected the downstairs to be dark, but lights were on in the kitchen, and Allison was rummaging in the refrigerator.

“Your timing is perfect,” she said with a laugh. “I just fed Bethany and I’m starving. There’s leftover pizza. I’m preheating the oven. Want some?”

Erica wasn’t hungry, but she knew she had to eat. She dropped her bag on the island and sat at the kitchen table. “Sure. I’ll take a couple of slices.” Then she would figure out how to tell her daughter about Killion. Everyone else knew, so it was time.

After school tomorrow, she promised herself. Summer would be devastated, but that couldn’t be helped.

Allison opened the oven and slid several slices on the pizza stone, then set the timer. “Five minutes should be enough.”

She poured herself a large glass of milk. “Want some wine?”

Erica pushed herself to her feet. “I’ll get it.”

“Sit. I’m fine. All I’ve done today is feed the baby and sleep.”

Erica eyed her. “And look after Jackson. Plus, weren’t you visiting Peter? You must be exhausted.”

“I can open a bottle of wine.”

Erica sank back in her chair. “Thanks. It’s been a long day for me, too.”

“Such is the burden of being a tycoon.” Allison set a glass of wine in front of her. “Or is something else bothering you?”

Erica held up her hand. “Please don’t talk about Killion. I beg you. My mom lectured me earlier. I can’t take any more.”

“Then I won’t mention his name except to say we all miss him.”

“I’m sure he misses you as well.”

The timer dinged. Allison plated the slices and set them on the table.

Erica inhaled the scent of tomato sauce and oregano, and her stomach growled. She polished off two slices, barely stopping to breathe, then wiped her mouth with a napkin.

“I was hungry.”

“I can see that. Did you eat today?”


“But we’re not talking about how much you regret breaking up with Killion?”

“No, we’re not.”