He sucked in a breath. “I want you so much.”
“Then get naked.”
“Good idea.”
He released her and tugged at his T-shirt. Within seconds it had sailed over his head to land on the counter. He unfastened his belt, pushed off his athletic shoes then stepped out of his jeans, socks and briefs.
She had a brief glimpse of his arousal before he moved in and drew her hard against him.
“Better?” he asked.
She liked the way his skin felt against hers—the warm roughness of his hands, the rock-like muscles in his thighs, the hard-inside velvet-outside of his need against her belly.
He slid one hand under her hair and cupped her head. When his mouth settled on hers, she surrendered to the kiss. Passion grew as her blood heated. Everywhere he touched her, she burned. When he slipped his free hand between her legs, she groaned.
“More,” she told him as he searched for then found that single spot of desire.
Her breathing increased as pleasure filled her. She wanted him to keep on with what he was doing, but she didn’t know how long she could remain standing.
Her muscles clenched as he continued to touch her. She clung to him.
“I can’t…”
“It’s okay.”
He bent down and grabbed the towel, then set it on the counter. With one quick, graceful movement, he set her on top of the towel.
She instantly saw the possibilities and parted her thighs. He moved between them. His hardness probed and she slipped a hand down to guide him inside.
He filled her slowly, completely, stretching her deliciously until she couldn’t control her cries of pleasure. When he’d gone in all the way, he withdrew and did it again. Each slow stroke was better than the one before. The steady movements brought her closer to the edge. Closer and closer until she had to wrap her arms around his neck and cling to him.
He kissed her, keeping time with what his body was doing to hers. Then he moved a hand between them and searched with his fingers until he found that one spot of perfect release. He rubbed it as he continued to push into her. Over and over, deeper and deeper until she had no choice but to fall into her release.
The contractions rippled through her, making her cry out. Her orgasm went on for seconds, then minutes until he joined her, thrusting into her with the force of his need, then stilling as he, too, found paradise.
Lily woke to an empty bed and some pleasantly sore muscles. A quick glance at the clock told her that she had about five minutes before the alarm would go off and she had to get up and get ready for work.
Jake had already left. She vaguely remembered him getting out of bed earlier that morning to head for the fire station. After they’d made love in the bathroom, they’d moved into her room where they’d repeated the experience only a little more slowly. They’d fallen asleep in each other’s arms, which was exactly how she wanted to fall asleep for the rest of her life. With Jake.
She loved him. The how and why, most especially the when of it all eluded her, but she knew it was true. Somehow she’d fallen for him. Maybe she’d always loved him. Maybe their friendship had evolved over the years and changed when neither of them had been looking. Maybe it was something new. Regardless of when it had happened, she knew that her love was real and lasting. There were none of the flashes she’d felt with Michael. No bright lights, no incredible highs or lows. Instead she felt a sureness, a deep inner knowledge of having found what she’d spent her life looking for.
“And passion,” she said as she sat up and swung her legs around so her feet touched the floor. “Plenty of passion.”
More than she’d ever experienced. Jake had taken her places that probably weren’t even legal. She smiled as she remembered how his touch had rocked her. Talk about knowing what he was doing. No wonder the women in his life never wanted to end things.
She walked toward the bathroom, humming as she went. She felt good. Better than good. She felt… content.
Her life was falling into place. First with Jake and later today, with Rachel. She was determined to make things right with her friend. Next she would tackle Jenna. She’d finally learned what was important and she wasn’t going to let it get away from her again.
* * *
Lily felt a twinge of nostalgia as she walked into the Chinese restaurant where she, Rachel and Jenna had dined a thousand times. Their usual table was in the corner by the window. Whoever faced the hospital always had the job of look-out in case the hunky doctor they’d been talking about happened to stroll by. So many good times, she thought fondly. So many shared confidences, healed broken hearts, so much happiness.