He doesn’t actually mean he’s missed me—just that he’s missed this. I’d correct him, only I’m no longer able to form words.

I forget that we’re in public. I forget that I’m working for him and that all of this is starting to get a little confusing. I forget everything except the rush of pleasure between my legs and the adrenaline racing through my veins.

Then I’m coming apart, everything in me clenching and then bursting with a sudden flash of heat. I turn my face to the side, gasping into the night as he tugs me forward again, mouth working to capture my moan.

A door opens with a loud creak, and Finn cages my body with his, as though we’ve been caught doing something we shouldn’t. I feel myself shake with silent laughter, grateful he’s holding me up.

“Shhhh,” he says, right before he dissolves into giggles of his own.

There’s a thud as someone tosses a bag into a dumpster across the alley, and once the door to the bar swings shut, Finn takes my hand, the two of us panting, laughing, running toward the car as fast as we can.

I’m worried the drive back to his mom’s place will be full of awkward silence. But as soon as we get into the rental car, Finn rests his hand on my thigh, grinning, like he’s so damn proud of himself he just can’t contain it.

“You live here,” I whisper as we tiptoe from the car to his front door. “Or lived here. You don’t have to sneak in.”

“The dogs,” he explains. “Better than any security system.”

Once we get inside, I brace for a symphony of barking. But it’s just Duchess, an affectionate Chihuahua with three tan paws and one white one, who trots up to us, allows herself to receive some love, and then disappears back down the hall.

Finn tosses me a wicked, playful look. “Good night,” he says sweetly.

I just shake my head, biting back a smile. “Good night,” I echo before we turn our separate ways at the end of the hall.


Season 1, Episode 3: “Dad the Babysitter”


CHERYL WILKINS arrives home after a weekend away. BOB WILKINS is asleep on the couch, BABY WILL in his lap. ANDY WILKINS rides his scooter around the messy living room while JENNA WILKINS applies makeup to her sleeping father’s face.


Honey? Kids? What’s all this?


He wakes with a start, gazing around at the chaos.

What in the—oh! Why, Cheryl, I have no idea what you mean. And might I say, you are absolutely glowing?

Break for laugh track.


In a mechanical voice.

Dad did a great job watching us. He served us perfectly balanced meals and put us to bed at nine o’clock every night.


And how much did he pay you to say that?


Twenty bucks.