Page 24 of Hers to Rule

Mari just caught herself from asking incredulously what exactly that was supposed to mean. Cisco saw her difficulty and winked. She’d always wanted piercings, but it wasn’t something her father would have allowed under any circumstances. A tattoo wasn’t something she’d considered, but she’d seen the puma Cisco had tattooed on his chest and admired it.

“Did you do Cisco’s tattoo?” Mari asked after watching her for a few seconds.

“Cisco’s? No.” Greta glanced toward him briefly before turning back to her tools. “I did Rio’s.”

“Rio doesn’t have any tattoos.” She had occasion to know. She’d seen every inch of his body multiple times.

“He does,” Cisco murmured.

“What? Where?”

Greta whirled around. “At the top of his back. It’s ultraviolet. My specialty.” She flashed that crooked grin again. “Only a couple of paranormals can see it without a black light.” She lifted a sharp-looking implement in her hand to gesture toward Cisco.

He stood watching with his arms crossed over his broad chest and didn’t offer any insight.

Mari couldn’t contain her curiosity. “What is it?”

“Just a word,” Greta supplied with a shrug. “Gato something?” She said gato like someone who had no idea how to pronounce the word.

“Gatito,” Cisco corrected with the proper pronunciation. He still hadn’t moved a muscle.

Mari lifted her eyebrows in question. When he didn’t respond, she turned to Greta. “So who’s getting tattooed today?”

“Rio again.” Greta picked up a drawing pad and showed her the sheet where she’d been sketching. “Two cuffs with a design that matches the other one.” The drawing was lovely. The words “para siempre” were rendered in a gracefully arched font and looked elegant. “Unless you want some too?”

“Not sure I’m ready for that yet.” Mari laughed. “And no one will be able to see it but Cisco?”

“Other gargoyles, vampires, a couple of other rare species.” Greta waved her hand as she spoke. “But mostly no, not unless they’re shining a black light on them.”

Mari smiled. It was so hopelessly romantic. “How long is that going to take?”

“A while. Maybe two hours.” Greta looked up from her tools. “Any questions for me?”

“You’re a life witch, so that means you can manage the pain?”

Greta nodded. “Yes, but I normally wouldn’t for a sex witch. I know this is a special circumstance though. Do you want that?”

Mari had no idea. “Why not for a sex witch?”

“Pain and pleasure get a little mixed up for you. In a good way.” Greta paused, blushing. “If I take the pain, I might take the pleasure too. It can be a little distracting for both of us.”

Mari didn’t know any of that, but she supposed it made sense. She’d realized during their exploits the night before that her pain was linked to her arousal in ways she didn’t understand. “I’ll try it without first, I guess.”

“Sure, I can always take it away after I heal the wounds.” Greta turned to regard Cisco. “Any special instructions?”

Cisco shook his head. “She’s allowed to come as many times as she can to manage the pain. Rio can help.”

“Generous.” Greta grinned. “We ready to get started?”

Rio strolled in, holding a pair of bowls mounded with cut fruit. “Just as soon as she gets some food in her.” He passed one bowl to Mari. “Hello, Greta.”

“Hey, Rio. Yeah, better not to go into this with no breakfast.” Greta picked up a square box that had been sitting on the table since they entered. “Beam sent this for you.” She handed the box to Cisco.

“Send her my thanks.” Cisco took the box with a nod. “And thank you again for making a house call. I’ve got to head to a meeting now.” He leaned to kiss Mari and then took a piece of cantaloupe from the bowl she held to slide it between her lips. On his way out of the solarium, he paused to kiss Rio.

“Any idea what’s in the box?” Mari asked Rio.

“Not a clue,” Rio answered.