“There now. That’s better.” Argento smiled at her with no warmth. “Now we can have a pleasant conversation without worrying that he’ll do something rash.” His voice was cultured and deep, and it made her skin crawl because she could feel his formidable charisma wrapping around her, tempting her.
“I don’t think we have anything to talk about,” Mari answered after a moment, proud that her voice didn’t shake.
“Oh, but we do.” Argento chuckled. “You’re going to come to me willingly and offer yourself to me, or I’m going to murder everyone you care about.”
With a nod from him, Kima poked her spear into Rio’s back. He didn’t move or make a sound, but Mari saw the blood start to pool. Next to her, Cisco roared, his anger vibrating through the room with dark malice.
Mari took a step forward. “I’ll agree to come closer to you if she stops.”
Kima withdrew the blade immediately and bent to press against the wound to staunch the bleeding, her expression stricken and sad.
“That’s good.” Argento gestured. “Keep coming.”
With every step she took, Mari felt his magic wrapping around her, the warmth of it seductive. She’d never felt the touch of her father’s magic, but she knew how it worked well enough, as she’d seen it in action when he used it on those around him. Argento would twist her desires to suit his needs and use them against her. She balled her hands into fists, determined to resist him as long as possible.
His smirk at her reaction was sharp and dangerous. “I find it amusing that you think you can resist me. Your father should have taught you better than that.”
Mari shuddered with revulsion at the idea that her father would have used his power on her. She stepped forward again, trying to draw out the moments before she’d be close enough for him to touch her.
“Oh my.” He laughed again, deep and resonant. “Did you think he was your actual father? Now that is amusing. He was no more your father than I am.” He snorted. “Although it’s certainly true that we both fucked your mother. Sometimes at the same time.” His lips curled seductively.
She shook her head and stopped. She knew his magic was clouding her mind, but also what he was saying just didn’t make any damned sense. “What?”
“Keep moving, pet.” He glanced toward where Kima still hovered over Rio. “I’ll answer all your questions.”
She moved closer again, feeling drawn to him even as she was repelled by everything he stood for. “What do you mean he wasn’t my father?”
“I mean biologically.” He crooked a finger to keep her moving. “Despite his weird fascination with treating you like a daughter, you were no relation of his. We can’t procreate like that.” He said the last bit as if the idea disgusted him.
“Then who is my father?” She hesitated after her next step, waiting for his answer.
“That is a very complicated question I don’t have the time or the inclination to answer right now. Suffice to say, there was a ritual and a summoning.” He waved his hand lightly as if the rest didn’t matter.
She crept closer once again, now because she had to hear the rest. She had to understand what he was talking about. On some level, she understood that was the allure of his magic as well, tempting her with information. His grin sharpened.
“Do you know where my mother is?”
His brow furrowed. “I assumed she was dead, but now that you ask, I’m not sure I know.”
She pondered the strange answer as she climbed onto the platform.
Argento stopped her by raising a hand. “Strip.”
“Mari, no.” She heard Cisco struggling behind her, trying to get free again, but she was too interested in the answers Argento had to stop now.
Argento waved a hand. “I could make him be silent, but I enjoy the sounds of his desperation. Don’t you?”
That made Cisco quiet into a faint growling.
“Not particularly.” She started to slide out of her clothes with swift and efficient movements, not making a show of it the way he seemed to want.
Argento cocked an eyebrow at her. “Well, no matter.” His magic brushed against her skin, making goosebumps rise. “Come sit on my lap, pet.”
She moved under her own power, not waiting for his magic to compel her, sliding into his lap as he eased back on his throne. His hand moved to possessively grip her thigh just above her knee as his eyes raked over her. This close to him, she’d expected to feel the pull to please him keenly, but mostly she just wanted to remove his hand from her body. His magic tickled into her, teasing against hers, tempting her to let him in. She relaxed her thighs so that he would think she’d stopped resisting him.
Mari knew she couldn’t fight him for long, that eventually, her desire would bend to his will. She also knew that her original plan couldn’t work because she didn’t actually want him. She couldn’t pretend to be aroused by him long enough for her magic to engage without actually losing herself to it.
She reached for the only other weapon in her arsenal, the presence she was connected to, deep under the city. She stroked against the wards that guarded it, letting them feel her desperation. Her need. They unlocked with a whispered acknowledgement only she could hear.