Page 45 of Needing Her

“That can’t happen,” she answers.

“Tell me why,” I counter.

She rolls over on her back, letting out an annoyed breath, while staring up at the ceiling. I leave her alone. I’m not sure what to say at this point anyway. The ball is quite figuratively in her court now.

“What are you doing?”

“I want you to give me a chance. That’s it—nothing more, nothing less.”

“I don’t want a relationship, Dom. I obviously suck at them. Plus?—”

“Maybe you suck at them because you didn’t have the right man at your back.”

She lets out a bitter laugh. “You think you are the right man?”

“I think I can be if you will give me a chance.”

“You’re unbelievable, Dominic West. I knew better than to trust you. I came here tonight to get away from stress—not to find more of it!”

“I’m not here to stress you, Thea. I told you. I’m not going to get on your side of the bed. You want me, then all you have to do is ask me. I won’t make a move. The same can be said in trying to prove that we could be good together. Any first move that has to be made, will be on your side.”

“Good, then. That means it will never happen,” she brags.

“If your mind is made up, I guess you’re right.”

“Oh, it’s definitely made up.”

“Okay, then,” I reply with a smirk.

“Roll over and go to sleep, stud. You’re starting to annoy me.”

“Sweet dreams. I’m wondering if mine will be better than the ones I’ve already had of you,” I ponder softly.

“You’ve had dreams of me? What kind of dreams?” she asks quickly.

I grin. “Maybe I’ll tell you someday.” I roll over and say nothing else. In a few minutes, she turns out the light on her side and I find myself smiling. I’m not going to give up on her. I feel more alive tonight than I have in forever.

That has to mean something.

Chapter 18


I burrow into the warmth. I don’t remember my quilts being this hot. It feels delicious. I’m so toasty that I smile, burrowing my head deep into my bed and then frown because suddenly the cover feels very solid and hard. As I raise my hands, my palms slap against a firm wall of solid heat. I flex my fingers against it, digging my nails in, while refusing to open my eyes. I just want to go back to sleep and let the feeling wrap around me. Before I can do that, my comforting yet firm wall vibrates. A laugh echoes close to me, as hot breath fans out along the side of my face. It takes all I have not to purr. I open one eye slowly, leaving the other one closed—dreading to see what waits for me.

“Morning, Gorgeous.”

“I thought I told you I didn’t like that nickname.”

“You did, but it suits you.”

Slamming my eyelid closed again, I silently wish I could disappear. I know I can’t, but it’s a hope. As I’m silently praying that I turn invisible, it hits me. I open my eyes again to stare at Dom and deliver death rays. “I thought I told you to stay on your side.”

For a minute, he looks shocked as hell. He probably thought I wouldn’t call him on his bullshit. Well, he’d be wrong. I’m not going to let him walk all over me. He needs to think again if he has it in his head that I’m going to be like every other female and just fall at his feet.

“Baby, you’re the one on my side,” he murmurs, his eyes crinkled in humor.

“The hell I am!”