Page 36 of Needing Her

“I mean it. He totally looks like you’re dessert, and he needs to satisfy all his cravings on you.”

“Um… I have no idea who that is. Is he a member of the club? I haven’t met all the new guys yet, I guess. I know there are some other prospects?—”

“Dom, honey. His club name is Ice. Of course, none of our ranked members call him that. He’s always been called Dom since he was a kid and they never changed. The same when it came to T. Still, prospects, us old ladies, and a few of the member’s steady girls, do—twinkies included.

“Oh,” I answer, my gaze moving over to my brother and Dom. I admit they’re both staring at me, but in no way would I say Dom was eye-fucking me. Obviously, the bleach in Patsy’s blonde hair has caused issues. “You’re crazy. Dom and I are friends now. Trust me, there’s nothing else to it.” I laugh, giving Mattie and Dom a smile. “I am going to go over and say hi to them, though.”

“I think you’re the crazy one. Does this mean that you and Ice are getting along these days?”

“Yeah, it’s weird. He’s actually become a good friend.”

“Damn, maybe Monk is right, and I’ve spent too much time on vacation.”

I laugh to the point that I almost snort. “I’ll be back,” I tell her. Then I walk over to my brother and give him a hug. Dom has moved over to talk to Joker and I’m kind of relieved. Patsy’s comment about Dom eye-fucking me has me wondering about things that I really shouldn’t. Like if he really does want to eat me alive. Just the thought makes a tiny shiver move through my spine and it has nothing to do with fear—more like excitement.

Damn it.

“What was that kiss all about,” Mattie grumps.

I huff at him, shaking my head. “That’s what people do when they are dating.”

“I was thinking things were cooling off between the two of you.”

“Why would you think that?” I ask, ignoring the fact that I’ve felt the same.

“C’mon, Thea. You’ve been out with Dom more than you’ve seen Raze lately.

“Yeah, but Dom and I are just friends. You have no idea what Raze and I are. You’re just being a busybody. You’re worse than Mom.”

“Thea,” he mutters, and I sigh.

“Okay, fine. I don’t know what’s going on with Raze. I like him, but things have kind of cooled, or at least I thought. He’s been acting strange.”

“Maybe he doesn’t like you going out with Dom.”

“That’s crazy. Dom and I are just friends—family, really. He sees me as his little sister.”

“I’m not so sure about that. Maybe a better question is, how do you feel about Dom?”

“I don’t hate him anymore,” I respond with a smirk. Mattie just frowns at me in true big brother fashion.


“I promise, I’m not hung up on him anymore. I’m enjoying being his friend. That’s all, Dom has only ever seen me as family—and finally that’s what we are.”

“What? Who is?” Dom asks, coming up to us from my right. “I was telling my nosy brother that he doesn’t need to worry about the two of us spending time together.”

“Why would he worry?” Dom almost growls, shocking me.

I put my hand on his arm in reflex. “He’s just being an overprotective big brother. It’s normal.”

“Didn’t see him warning Raze off.”


“He didn’t have the power to hurt my baby sister,” Mattie barks back, and now I’ve had my fill.

I slap the palm of my hand against the brick-house-built stomach of my older brother. “Shut it. Dom is your best friend, and you know that. I was young and stupid. Dom never led me on. Besides, we’re different people now. We’re older and without my silly crush, we’re learning to be the family we always should have been. So, lay off. Do you hear me?”