Page 34 of Needing Her

I see her stiffen with the endearment I use. I actually didn’t mean to. It just slipped out. If I’m going to continue working on my friendship with Thea, I’m definitely going to have to get laid. Right now, that’s impossible because all I do is dream of her.

“You’re such a spaz,” she mumbles.


She shakes her head and I know she’s not going to tell me what she means. I don’t push it because I’m just glad she’s not raking me over the coals for calling her baby.

“I want a farm,” she answers.

“Oh my God.”

“I know, I know. It’s shocking. I always wanted an old farmhouse with chickens and a big fluffy barn dog.”

“Is that all? No horses or cows?”

“Oh, gosh no. I mean, I think horses are beautiful, but I prefer riding a bike. I don’t want to spend most of my day taking care of a bunch of animals. I just want a small taste of it. Chickens, a small garden, and a big front porch swing is fine with me.”

“A garden?”

“I love growing things. I had herbs, tomatoes, and carrots on my balcony in New York. I also had one of the patio orange trees.”

“Maybe I didn’t know you all that well,” I muse.

“Told you,” she chuckles.

“I like what I’m finding out, though. I like it a lot.”

She gives me a smile and I bite my tongue to keep from telling her I like it too much. We spend the rest of the evening talking before we load up and I take her back to Breakers. When we get there, Raze is standing on the front step waiting for her.

It takes all I have to leave. I really need to get laid and pray that cures me of this attraction I keep having with Thea.

If it doesn’t, I’m not sure what I’m going to do.

Chapter 14


Three weeks.

That’s how long I’ve been playing with fire. By that, I mean that I’ve been spending more and more time with Dom. We average getting together at least one day on our own and he’s begun coming over to Mattie’s for poker night. I thought I had killed any attraction I felt for him long ago, but I feel it between us. I should start pushing him away, but I haven’t been strong enough. There are times I even convince myself it’s all in my head. After all, Dom hasn’t chastised me for flirting with him. Raze hasn’t batted an eye either. He would for sure if it appeared Dom and I were getting too close, right? I mean, we are kind of dating. Well, maybe. We haven’t been spending a lot of time together lately and Raze hasn’t been sleeping over but here and there. Then again, I’ve not invited him either. We still kiss and have the occasional make out session, but something feels different. I don’t think it’s entirely on my side either.

The two of us are on our way to meet up with some of the club members. Raze said there will be a few girls there, too. I’m nervous about it, but he asked, so I couldn’t say no. Well, I could, but I do like Raze. I need to see if this is going to work, and if not, then I need to make it clear that we’ll remain friends. I don’t want there to be hard feelings on either side—especially since my dad and Mattie have been watching us closely. Plus, I’m going to be doing the books for the club. I’ve already started some. Aunt Nicole has been slowly breaking me in. I’m really enjoying it. I like sharing Mattie’s house, but I am kicking around the idea of getting my own place. Besides working on the club’s books, I’ve got a few clients coming to me. They’re mostly businesses in town, and I know the owners really well. Fortunately, things seem to be going smoothly so far. I’m making more than enough money to cover my monthly rent. I know Mattie says he wants me to stay with him, but I also know I’m probably cramping his style. If I wasn’t there, he’d probably have women there. I’m not stupid. Sure, he has his room at the club, but Mattie is a private person. It’s one reason he has his house.

“Here we are. You ready, Flame?” Raze asks, and I smile at him. I’m actually shocked we’re here already. I really must have been zoned out. “I’m ready. I’m looking forward to spending a night with you. We haven’t really connected in a while. I miss you.”

That wasn’t a lie. The two of us were getting pretty close and then it kind of cooled off. I need to know if there’s still that same spark between us.

“I’ve missed you, too, Flame. Let’s go have some fun.”

“Okay,” I answer as I lean in and kiss him on the lips.

He kisses me back. It’s nice. It feels good, but the desire that used to fire between us feels a little flat. Is it all in my head? We break apart and I get out of his vehicle, and he comes around taking my hand. There’s a bunch of bikes in the parking lot. I recognize one as Mattie’s and another as Dom’s.

“We could have brought your bike, you know,” I tell Raze.

“I like having you in my truck,” he says with a smile. I wonder if he’s afraid of hurting my leg. For some reason, after our first couple of dates, I never rode on his bike. I sigh. I’m being silly. When we walk into the Wolf’s Den, I can’t help but be a little tense. This is a club owned place. It is probably one of our oldest owned businesses. I never hung around here much. Trying to enter a bar where my father had an ownership stake and his brothers were regulars was clearly not a smart move.

“Flame!” Rebel and a few others call out. Raze puts his arm around me and pulls me in close so that his lips are next to my ear.