Page 32 of Needing Her

“Not at all. I used to ride with Breaker when he went to the local fruit market and bought the homemade trail mix. Breaker said you would cry if you didn’t have it when you were stressed.”

“He’s not lying. Food is my comfort drug,” she laughs.

“Then I take it I’ve done good so far.”

She opens her packet of trail mix but just holds it as she looks up at me. “It’s very nice. Should I worry that you are being so …”

“So… magnificent?”

She smirks. “That’s not exactly the word I was looking for, but hey, if you need to feed that big-ass ego you have …”

“Ouch,” I laugh. “Seriously, I just wanted to give you a calm, relaxing day and show you a side of me you might not know. That’s all.”

“Well,” she hums, drawing out the word. “I didn’t think that you were the type to build a house, so I can admit that’s a surprise.”

“Where did you think I would live? At the club my whole life?”

“Yeah,” she laughs. “It suits you. A house means a family and a picket fence. You, Dom, are not that type.”

“I’d like kids,” I mutter. “I mean, I hadn’t really thought about it, to be honest.”


“With T and Lyla having a baby, it got me thinking. I want that. I always thought if we had kids, they’d grow up together. Everything has changed now. I don’t really like it and I have no control over it. I’m not going to lie, Thea, I’m missing my brother. There’s shit going on with Dad and I’m feeling pretty damn alone.”

She studies me. I resist the urge to look away—afraid she might see more than I want her to. It’s not like I’m used to being vulnerable around other people. I’m not even sure why I shared as much as I did with Thea. Damn it, there’s just something about her that is easy to talk to. I’ve always known that. It’s one thing that I always missed about her. I’ve wanted to fix things between us for a while. I didn’t try because I knew with the animosity between her and Gabby that it would be impossible. I’m starting to realize that, overall, I allowed myself to be pulled away from my family because of Gabby. When I look at it now, I feel like a fool.

“You haven’t lost Thomas, and you know it.”


“I mean it, Dom. Thomas loves you. You’re always going to be brothers. We all grow and change. We all have important people that move into our lives, but they don’t take the place of people already in our hearts. The relationship you and Thomas have is special. No one else will be able to touch that.”

“You sound so positive.”

“I am. You’re brothers.”

“Apparently, that’s not an exclusive club.”

“What’s that mean?” she asks, her forehead crinkling as she tries to figure out what I’m saying.

“Nothing. Let’s change the subject. I want this date to be fun.”

“Date?” she laughs. “What is in that fruit bowl you’re holding? You’re talking crazy.”

“Just your favorites, Princess,” I joke. I reach into the bowl that I have and pluck out a grape, trapping it between my thumb and index finger. I stare at her, bringing it up to her lips. Something intense flashes across her face. I don’t know what it is, but the moment between us feels electrically charged. For a moment, I think she might deny my offering—at the very least I expect her to take it out of my hands. Thea surprises me when she leans down and captures it between her teeth. I help her, letting my thumb brush against her lip. It wasn’t on purpose—well, at least not consciously. There’s an electric spark between us that I feel deep inside of me, and it shocks the fuck out of me with how strong the pull toward her is. My cock stretches with a hunger I haven’t felt in a long time—if ever. I have to force myself to take my eyes off her. I clear my throat, doing my best to break the moment.

“Do you really like accounting and shit?” I ask her, studying the fruit in my bowl, before looking back at her. Her face is blank. I can’t tell what she’s thinking at all, and I don’t like it. Thea’s face is usually expressive. Admittedly, when it comes to me it is usually anger, but still…

“What?” she asks, telling me her mind is elsewhere. Just like mine. I can’t help but wonder if we’re thinking about the same things, such as her naked in my bed.

Christ, I’m going to have to get a grip on myself. That little voice inside my head reminds me I’ve been gripping myself every night for a while with only thoughts of Thea.

“College,” I respond roughly. I probably sound grouchy as hell, but I can’t help it. I’m too busy trying to get visions of pumping my cock while Thea watches me out of my mind.

“Oh,” she breathes. “Yeah, I mean, I’ve always been able to handle numbers easily. They make sense to me. I enjoy it. It calms me.”

“It’s a long way from modeling.”