Page 26 of Needing Her

“Sorry, had a few issues getting away,” I confess.

“Let’s go find a table,” she suggests. I nod and follow, letting her lead.

We find a high-top table close to the bar. It’s not far off from the stage, so it was perfect to watch the band. Once we get settled, a server comes over and takes our order. Since she and Lili work together, they know each other well, and chat for a bit. While they do that, I look around. The place really is packed. Lili eventually sits down as her friend gets our drinks. There’s tension between us, and I’m not sure what to say.

Lili sighs. “Raze told you, didn’t he?”


“He said you used him to make someone jealous. He didn’t really give me the details, and I didn’t ask for them, to be honest.”

“That asshole.”


“Nothing. He’s just good at giving half-truths.”

“What does that mean?” I ask, suddenly wishing I had listened to Raze and not come here.

“It started out like that. I can admit it. I even know it was a stupid thing to do. Things changed, though. The more I got to know Raze, the more I really cared for him. It wasn’t even like we were supposed to be exclusive. I knew what kind of lifestyle Raze had. Yet, when the other guy spent the night at my house, Raze got pissed off. He said a bunch of shit that upset me and, well…”

“You let him have it,” I respond, knowing Lili’s temper from when we used to hang out.

“With both barrels,” she confirms, making me laugh. “I said a lot I wasn’t supposed to and when he told me I was acting like a club twinkie, I told him to leave that I didn’t need his shit, that I was into Rebel way before I met him. I would not agree to be exclusive just because he couldn’t handle the fact that I was dating more than one guy, especially when I knew for a fact that he was still banging club whores.”

“Twinkies,” I mutter.

“Whatever,” she huffs.

“Some of them are really nice,” I try to defend, and she gives me a look like I’m insane. “Honestly, they’re not doing anything worse than what men are.”

“Yeah, well, they whore around, too.”

I give up trying to explain about the girls. Heck, she’s not wrong. For some reason when she talks about the men whoring around, it’s not Raze I see in my mind’s eye. Nope… it’s Dom. I shake my head, wondering what on earth I’m doing thinking about him.

Thankfully, the band arrives on stage and diverts our attention. It doesn’t take long before the music begins. It’s loud, but surprisingly good. They play some eighties and nineties rock, along with some southern rock staples. Lili gets up to go dancing and I wave her away. With my leg, I’m not big on dancing, so I stay in my seat. The server comes back leaving fresh drinks and an enormous plate of chicken strips with a couple of different sauces. I’m not really hungry, so I just sip my drink and enjoy the music.

“Why didn’t you tell me that you and Raze were dating?”

I pull my attention from the band to Dom—who is standing in front of me wearing faded jeans, a light blue T-shirt, and his cut. He looks good. I hate to admit it, but Dom has always been sexy. He’s got this face that is intense, sculpted, and vulnerable all at the same time. Damn him.

“I’m sorry?” I whisper-yell back. I don’t want to be too loud, but everything is drowned out by the music.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were dating a brother?” he asks again, and you’d have to be stupid not to hear the anger in his voice.

“I didn’t know I needed to tell you anything, Dom. We barely speak,” I respond, not bothering to hide my irritation.

“That’s where you’re wrong. You’re family, Thea.”

“Dom, you and I have never been close. We don’t have that kind of relationship and never have.”

He sits down in Lili’s seat, and I frown at him. “That seat is taken,” I grumble.

“Not right now, it’s not. Tell me why I’m the last one to know that you are dating one of my brothers? Last I heard, you were still dating the lawyer in New York.”

“He’s in med school, not law. I haven’t seen him since I left New York, and quite frankly, never want to.”

“You think that’s something you might have discussed with me the night we had dinner?”