Colin dipped his chin to hide a smile while Gabriel’s glare would have roasted a lesser person on the spot.
“At my last job, Mr. Dakos, I was in charge of organizing entire chains of high-end resorts and clubs where the rich expected, demanded, in fact, what they wanted, when they wanted it. I am crystal clear on how flexible I need to be to satisfy hundreds of customers at a time rather than just the few dozen or so you handle in a month. I have contacts all over the world I can call when I need to access more unique items than standard supplies. So if you think having to change travel plans at the last minute for a crew of several aggressive men who like things done a certain way, I believe is the way you put it, then I can tell you, I’m more than capable.” I held his eyes, not backing down. “And I can do all that with a cheery disposition and a smile on my face.”
Colin smiled, but Gabriel gazed at me like I had three heads. “I’m sure you can, but there is much more to this. What happens when we are due to arrive to set up private security for a function and there is a snowstorm and we can’t just be redirected to another plane or airport?”
I rolled my eyes. “Hire a private plane willing to fly through the weather.”
“We’ve arrived, but our equipment doesn’t?”
“That’s ridiculous. Any equipment that couldn’t travel on board with you would already be at the location ahead of time to clear the way for any potential issues. I would also have rentals or loans of identical equipment ready to go in every country in advance in case it was lost, or the plane, train or any other mobile transportation was in an accident. You can’t rely on only what you provide. To be as global as you are implying you are, means you either have these things already at various locations or, like myself, you have called in favors and have things ready to borrow or purchase. Right?”
Colin clapped his hands, his applause and his grin telling me I’d won him over. But what about Gabriel?
Mr. Dakos rose to his feet and shrugged. “We’ll be in touch, Rose. Colin will escort you back to the front.”
“No need.” I rose to my feet. “I know exactly where I’m going.” And, with an extra swish of my hips, I left the meeting room, waving goodbye to my new acquaintances on my way out.
Chapter Three
I was fucked. Mari had well and truly screwed me, and I wasn’t sure if it was on purpose or if it was some sort of cosmic joke. How the hell had she found someone in a single day whose resume and body could have been pulled straight out of my fantasies? I either owed my friend a bottle of scotch or a spanking.
“If my opinion matters, she’s perfect.” Colin smirked. Neither his opinion nor his knowing look were appreciated.
“Of course, your opinion matters. I’m just not sure it’s a good idea to hire a woman for the position.” I knew how much of an asshole that made me sound like, but the last thing our operatives needed was a distraction, especially one with all her assets. No. Truth was, they’d be fine. Whereas, I was the one who didn’t need her kind of distraction.
“Not going to touch that with a ten-foot pole. I’ve got to get ready for my flight, so I’ll leave you with this parting advice. Don’t be an idiot!” Colin narrowed his eyes, shook his head, and left the conference room.
Rose was going to be trouble.
As a child, during lightning storms, I’d stand on my porch for hours. I remembered the thrill of gazing out at the tumultuous sky, loving how the air crackled with anticipation. Unlike most kids, I hadn’t been scared. I’d felt excited seeing the lightning dance across the horizon in fleeting bursts of white-hot light. Each jagged bolt seemed to reach down from the heavens, and I’d wanted to dance among them.
There’d been a mesmerizing beauty to the chaos that I couldn’t tear my eyes away from. Adrenaline would course through my veins, reminding me of the awe-inspiring might of nature. I’d felt like I was witnessing the same awe-inspiring phenomenon while watching Rose, with her flame-red hair and flashing green eyes, stand up to me. The wild look in her deep sea-green eyes, shot right to my cock, but coupled with an intelligence that impressed, made Rose a force to be reckoned with.
When I wasn’t stuck gazing into eyes that flashed warning signs in my direction, then I was immersed in studying her soft, lush lips and wondering how they would feel on mine. My reaction to her was visceral and called to the dark part of me that wanted to tame and control something wild.
Other men might want a pliant, gentle sub but that had never appealed to me. Where was the challenge in someone following your commands instantly? I wanted the thrill of knowing that not only did her submission have to be earned, but she would only bend for me. It was a true thrill to imagine, and together we could be a force no one else compared to.
The memory of Rose as she straightened her body, faced me directly and attempted her dressing down was nothing less than foreplay for a man like me. She would prove challenging, but not in a rigid way, where bending was not an option. Having the only choice be to break, had never been for me.
Despite her aggressive, sure behavior, she wasn’t a Domme who wanted others to kneel at her feet. She was a wild mare daring someone to have the skill to run with her. I could picture her legs spread at my command but her cat eyes would be narrowed, challenging me to bring her to orgasm.
Perfect. I snorted. She was perfect all right, but could I work with her without constantly wanting to bend her over my desk? I thought of what Erik had said when he described his interview with Raia. But she’d been interviewing for a job as a server/submissive at a BDSM club. Would Rose be interested in anything more than the job?
What the hell was wrong with me? My mind was spiraling and I needed to get a new perspective. I left the meeting room and grabbed my jacket from the chair in my office as I headed for my car and placed a call.
“Hello, Gabe.” Erik’s familiar voice answered the call.
“You at work?”
“Well, good morning to you, too. And yes, I just arrived. Did you need something?”
* * *
As I pushed open the door to the diner across the street from Midgard, the familiar sights and sounds calmed my racing mind. The scent of sizzling bacon mingled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee were comforting touchstones recalling memories of the hundreds of times we’d come here over the years. The interior was a fun blend of retro charm and urban grit, with vinyl booths lining the walls and checkered tiles underfoot.
The jukebox in the corner randomly played a medley of oldies and current music so you never knew what you would hear at any given time. The walls were adorned with vintage posters and neon signs, reminding me of long nights in college after a drinking binge trying to eat greasy food to forestall the inevitable hangover. I’d been to hundreds of high-end restaurants in the city but it was places like this that brought back fond memories. Erik sat in a booth near the window. I made my way through the maze of tables and joined him.