Page 4 of Master Heimdall

Oh, I liked her, I really, really did. She was a breath of fresh air I didn’t know I needed until she’d opened her mouth. “I am off shift in five minutes, and I’m more than happy to drive you over to the shop.” I held my breath as I waited for her reply. I wasn’t a lesbian so my interest in her wasn’t sexual. But there was something about her that drew me in, and I hoped that maybe we could be friends. At least my version of it was more like an acquaintance than anything deep and lasting.

“Friendly, beautiful, and personal service, check! I give this place five-stars and gladly accept your offer.” Without another word, Mari took a seat in the lounge across from where my stand was to wait for me.

* * *

I sniggered at the memory. That night had been the beginning of a beautiful friendship that stayed strong as I continued to jump around several different countries for work. Over the years, she’d made a habit of showing up unexpectedly where I was working and would repeat her request from the first time. I’d laugh and then we’d head out and have an evening of unforgettable adventures.

I’d been feeling more and more discouraged by the hotel industry. Being a military kid, I was by nature a people pleaser, and for a long time, my work was very fulfilling. But because of my large dossier of work, and the fact I was fluent in seven languages, my jobs had increased in prestige.

I hadn’t realized that the rich of the world were pretty much all cut from the same cloth and it wasn’t that unique of a fabric. I wanted a challenge, something that I would have to struggle to achieve. Their requests were either boring or vulgar to the point of depravity.

I wasn’t a prude. In fact, my interest and involvement in BDSM was a large topic of discussion between myself and Mari. But when something crossed consent or local laws, I wasn’t willing to even attempt to accommodate it. After being harassed one too many times for not being willing to bend around some rich asshole’s will, I’d realized I’d climbed to the top of what my career had to offer, and found it was lacking.

So when Mari’s parents passed on and she asked if I was willing to move to be close to her for a while, I hadn’t hesitated. I figured I’d spend a few weeks helping her finalize their estate and maybe she’d take me to finally see one of the BDSM clubs where she was part owner. The descriptions of the kinky things that happened inside had always intrigued me.

If I wasn’t going to be working, I was hoping to find someone to hook up with. Someone who wasn’t intimidated by a smart, career-minded woman who loved to be sexually submissive. Unfortunately, my vibrator had been my only action for several months. Except instead of leisurely time off hunting for a man to scratch my itch, I was on my way to a job interview.

Mari had picked me up from the airport late last night, bubbling with excitement about a job opportunity she’d found for me. The crazy woman had already scheduled the interview. I wasn’t sure working for a private security firm was something I was interested in, but for her sake, I would do my best to make a good impression.

Here I stood outside the offices of G&H Security. There hadn’t been much time to study the company, but what I had on my side was the ability to jump time zones with little effort, so waking early, I’d managed to learn the basics, enough at least to not embarrass myself, or so I hoped.

Despite my naturally sunny disposition and high-hopes attitude, I was nervous. Mari had mentioned that the man I would speak with could be brusque to the point of sounding rude and arrogant. He apparently was very picky about who he worked with. Having dealt with thousands of people, this didn’t bother me. It was the fact that this man and her were friends that made me nervous. The last thing I wanted was to embarrass Mari.

With five minutes to spare, I stepped out of the elevator and walked down the hallway toward their entrance. The unique door was intricately carved wood. I admired the unusual choice to stand out from the typical metal of the rest of the office doors. Their company name and the motto “Forever Defend” was carved over the doorway in both English and Norwegian. Maybe my knowledge of that language would give me a leg up in the interview.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the wooden door. I expected it to be heavy but it swung effortlessly at my touch as if on a pillow of air. Wow, talk about high-end. The luxury continued into the reception area. Filled with timber beams, plush, yet sleek furniture, and antique metal lamps, the whole place gave the impression it belonged in a sci-fi version of a past era. The receptionist’s desk was a thing of beauty, carved mahogany topped by the most current computer technology that glowed under the lighting. It reminded me of how Mari had described the design at the clubs. Had the same person decorated here? I’d have to ask her later.

The scowl on the receptionist’s face didn’t seem directed at me, and I got an uneasy feeling in my stomach. Was she in a bad mood because her boss was a dick, or for more personal reasons? Determined not to start off on a bad foot, I put on my best customer-service smile and walked over to her.

“Hello, I’m Rose.” I spotted a picture of a dog framed on her desk. Score! No one can be in a bad mood when talking about their pets. “Oh my god, is that an Australian Kelpie? They are so rare; I bet he’s a treasure.”

As I hoped, her face broke into a wide smile. “It is. He’s my baby.”

“I bet he is and what a sweet-looking fella. What’s his name?”

“Bilbo.” She giggled and I couldn’t help but join her.

“That giant is your little hobbit?” I loved when people named their pets in interesting and silly ways.

“Yup. Nice to meet you, Rose. I’m Yula.” Her eyes sparkled.

“What the hell do I know about what a sixteen-year-old girl wants for her birthday?” The shouting from down the hall interrupted our impromptu bonding. “Look, I’ll figure it out, but you owe me one.”

Yula sighed and I gave her a questioning look.

“We’re just one big not-so-happy family.”

“That’s okay. I know family and co-workers can be complicated. Is that the boss?”

“One of them.” Yula nodded. “Lincoln, the apparently unhappy gift giver, will be the one to escort you to Conference Room A.” She gave me a sympathetic smile before hitting an intercom button. “Rose is here for her interview, Sir.”

“I’ll be right there.” His sulky voice let me know he wasn’t thrilled with the news. I would need to think of something to turn his mood around.

The powerfully built man came around the corner, his mind obviously not on me but on the document in his hand. His skin was the color of the coffee I’d just finished drinking. His posture and effortless ability to not bump into things when not looking screamed ex-military to me. I’d bet a bottle of my finest wine on it.

He stopped in front of me, probably a step too close for most people, before pulling his eyes from his document. He probably used this technique to intimidate and throw off people. Unfortunately for him, I didn’t get flustered easily. I smiled and tilted up my chin to meet his gaze as his eyes narrowed.

“You must be the 9:00. This way.” He gestured back the way he’d come. Not overly friendly, but like Yula, I was determined to win him over.