“It allows our tracking software to follow you any time you’re in view of one of our cameras, or the many our system can hack into on a regular basis.”
I rolled my eyes but chuckled to myself after Dave left. This was just the beginning of what I assumed would be a long journey with a strange man, but one I wouldn’t trade for anything.
Chapter Twenty-One
“Are you sure they are going to like me?”
It had been a week since I’d come out of the closet regarding my feelings for Rose. So far, nothing but good had come from being vocal about our union. Even clients had reached out who had dealt with Rose on job setups, sending positive memos of congratulations and a huge bouquet for Rose from Jared that said. “Good luck” with a pair of Loki horns drawn on the card. As much as the good luck had pissed me off, it was, after all, a total Loki thing to do and Rose found it hilarious.
“What’s not to like?”
Rose rolled her eyes.
“You’re my woman, so they are going to love you.”
Rose giggled. “Because the big bad scary dominant Heimdall said so?”
“Exactly.” I kissed her on the nose just as the elevator opened up into Thor’s penthouse palace. Rose looked around in wonder. She was no stranger to the finer things or the unusual, but Thor’s place was like a castle in the sky, which is why we liked to meet here, for our get-togethers, well that and his amazing housekeeper, Mrs. Goodwin, who was more like family than an employee.
“It’s a little ostentatious isn’t it?” I said, knowing she didn’t feel that way at all about the place.
Her jaw dropped. “Are you kidding? This really does feel like a world apart. I can see why he hosts your get-togethers.”
We were the first to arrive, and I introduced her to Erik and Raia whom she had already met when Mari gave her a tour of Club Valhalla. Raia offered to give Rose a tour and I couldn’t help but feel joy at their easy conversation, which faded out when they disappeared down the long hallway.
Erik turned to me. “I see they are going to become fast friends.”
I smirked. “Yeah, Rose is hard to resist, she’s all happy sunshine.”
Erik laughed. “It’s good for Sif. She can often be standoffish not because she still suffers from being shy, mind you, as she’s grown a lot since taking over at Valhalla, but she tends to keep her intimate circle small.”
I had to agree. Raia had been such an introvert when we’d first met. Erik had done wonders with her. My mind traveled back to when her ex broke into the club and assaulted her. Lincoln, Colin and I showed up to enforce security. “Since that night in the club, she has come so far.”
A shadow passed through Erik’s hard blue eyes. He didn’t like remembering what happened because, to him, anyone getting to his woman showed weakness on his part, and I understood the guilt and fear associated with that all too well.
“It’s in the past, my friend, and believe me, I completely understand how you feel about it.”
Erik nodded his head. “That you do. And how are things now?”
“Better than I believed possible.”
He gave me a genuine smile. “Right! I almost feel guilty being this happy.”
I was about to comment when the elevator opened up and in walked Noah, Shelby, and Mari.
“I picked these two up outside where they were making out.” Mari pointed at Noah and Shelby. “So I said get a room, and here we are.”
Shelby laughed. Then asked where Raia was. I pointed down the hall and off she went, with a slap to her ass from Noah. She gave him a saucy look over her shoulder and hurried away with a shriek when he pretended to go after her. From down the hallway, we heard a peal of giggles as she rounded the corner.
Noah wore a goofy indulgent Daddy face, and Mari shook her head in disgust, and I couldn't help but laugh. We were all misfits, but together we made one hell of an eclectic family.
Mari turned to me. “Where is Rose? You haven’t done anything stupid have you?”
Feeling playful, I answered, “No, Mom, she’s on a tour with Raia.”
“Men,” she grumbled, just as Declan, and Colin stepped off the elevator. Mari and Declan exchanged a look, before she went hustling over to talk to Mrs. Goodwin. I wondered what that meant but didn’t have the time to examine what was going on between those two.