“What’s this?” He ran a finger between my swollen puffy lips, gathering the slickness, and rubbed it around the base of the plug.
Then he spanked both holes at the same time, stealing my breath with a surge of new sensations. I’d never slept with anything inside of me before. Hell, I hadn’t really ever spent the night with anyone I’d had sex with as it was always just a pleasure exchange for me. And never had I ever felt my holes being spanked simultaneously.
I wasn’t sure if I liked it and attempted to scramble out of his reach. But he gripped my hips and slid his cock back inside my tight sheath. He felt so damn good! “Is this my punishment for being late, boss?” I smiled into the sheets. Of course, I’d had to bait the lion.
“You’ll have to wait and see, Amora.”
I’d forgotten that name and it all came back, what he called me, what we’d committed to, he and I, just became an us. I was so excited to be a we with the sexiest man I’d ever met.
He flipped us with me on top facing the opposite direction. Gabe gripped my cheeks and bounced me on his cock. The angle was new to me and provided an instant charge to my sensitive clit.
“Fuck!” Gabe hissed.
Clearly, I wasn't the only one enjoying the new pleasure spot, or the view. I gripped Gabe’s thighs and watched my breasts bounce in the mirror opposite the bed.
“Come with me, Amora… now!”
He didn’t have to tell me twice. I felt a torrent release inside of me, a tidal wave that tilted my universe when it crashed to the shore. After we’d caught our breath, he rolled us onto our sides.
“If that is your idea of punishment, remind me to be late every day.”
“Don’t worry, Rose, I have a lifetime to come up with unique ways to punish you.”
His words were dark and husky and unleashed a coil inside of me. He made me feel delightfully dirty in a way I never had before.
“Hold still. I’ll take the plug out now, then you can have a shower while I make us some breakfast.”
No argument from me. I held still while he tugged the plug out of my bottom. I felt surprisingly empty when I stepped into the shower. The hot water was heaven. I hadn’t realized how sore I was from yesterday, and tired but pleasantly so, like a workout that keeps humming through your body hours later. I toweled dry and threw on one of his t-shirts. Leaving the confines of his bedroom, I inhaled and followed the wonderful aroma of bacon and eggs.
My stomach rumbled in anticipation of being filled. When had I last eaten? Breakfast yesterday—no damn wonder I was starving. “This smells delicious,” I said, taking a seat at the breakfast bar.
He passed me a loaded plate and a mug of coffee. “I could get used to this.” It was an off-handed remark but it resonated in the space between us. My doubts sprang up about how he would treat me at work today. After everything that had happened, I didn’t know if I could pretend any longer that we weren’t together. I wanted to ask him to clarify the guidelines for our work behavior, but at the same time, I didn’t want to burst whatever glorious happy bubble we were currently in.
I offered to clean up while he got ready but he told me to hustle down to my place and get ready for the day. The bubble popped and it was back to reality. I controlled my reaction so he wouldn’t see how disappointed I was.
I had a head start on him and decided to give him a sexy dance in front of the camera as I removed his shirt. I grasped my breasts and thrummed my nipples. Then winked and blew him a kiss.
I was finishing with my make up when Gabe appeared in the doorway to my bathroom.
He eyed me up and down. I was in a pair of French stockings, the ones with the seam down the back, stilettos, a gray knit pencil skirt, a soft pink corset peeked through the sheer white blouse adding a promiscuity to my look. My hair was hanging in long, loose waves over one shoulder.
I glanced at him in the mirror as I applied my lipstick. I deposited it in my purse and announced I was ready, but Gabriel didn’t move. “Something wrong, boss?” I couldn’t hold back a little smile.
He sniffed around me like a beast on the prowl. Slowly, he slid my skirt over my ample hips, gripping both ass cheeks in his strong hands. So, I wasn’t wearing any underwear. I caught his gaze in the mirror and smirked.
“If you wear this to work, I won’t get anything done. Put on pants.”
I sighed as if exasperated but smiled to myself as I dug through my walk-in for a pair of pants. He never said what kind of pants, I thought wickedly, and came out a minute later wearing tight jeans, with a waist-length cardigan sweater that had all the buttons open but two.
“How’s this?” I spun around and wiggled my ass at him. Then turned back around to see a dark look in his eyes.
“Don’t you have any clothing that won’t make every man in your radius stare at your body?”
I shrugged. “No, sorry. I guess you’ll just have to deal with having a hot girlfriend.”
His eyes narrowed, but he didn’t say anything else. Twenty minutes later, we parked, and I don’t know why, but my anxiety about how today would go overwhelmed me. When Gabe came around the car and opened my door, I knew I had to swallow down my nerves, they were unfounded after all. This was a new day, and a new beginning with a man who loved me.
“Are you ready to take on the day, Rose?” His words and his expression didn’t quite jive and I wondered what he was up to.