I turned off my computer and the lights as I exited my office. Following my usual routine, I said goodbye to IT and wished them a good weekend. Then I stopped by the front desk to invite Yula to join me at club Midgard. Finally, I was getting in some time to let my hair down and, fingers crossed, find someone to take the edge off.
“Oh my goodness, that does sound like fun, but I’m afraid my only plans are lounging with Bilbo and binge-watching Downton Abbey. All my plans over the weekend have to do with me in my pajamas and relaxing. You have fun, and who knows, maybe you’ll get lucky.” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.
I couldn't help but laugh. My need for some relief must be more obvious than I’d guessed. Honestly, sitting on top of a washing machine might start to look appealing if I didn’t do something soon.
“Have a wonderful weekend.” I remembered the treat I’d brought with me to work. “I completely forgot, I grabbed this for Bilbo.”
Digging into the bottom of my tote, I drew out a bag of organic dog treats that I’d often had on hand for those not-so-nice pooches that sometimes came to my hotel with their rich owners.
“He’ll love these! Thank you, Rose, that is so sweet of you.”
“I’m not done yet. I have a contact in Brussels who just sent me out a box of their newest chocolates. Make sure Bilbo can’t reach them. I heard they pair well with Giuseppe della Valpolicella from Italy.” I placed the box and bottle on her desk, loving when her jaw dropped and her eyes filled with happy tears.
Yula stood up and hustled around her desk, throwing her arms around me. “How did you know that I’ve had that wine on my must-have list for ages. It’s so expensive, Rose, you must let me pay you for it.”
“Absolutely not.” I pulled back. “I didn’t pay for that wine, just called in a favor. Now go home and give Bilbo a rub for me.”
As the door was closing, I heard her exclaiming to someone about the gift she’d just gotten. It made me smile and for a moment thoughts of Gabriel faded. Yula’s happy reaction had done wonders to make me feel warm and fuzzy, reminding me of why I went into a career in hotel management. I told myself it was to see the world, and that was partly true. But when someone was truly happy, that gave me more satisfaction than another beach on my to-see list.
Unfortunately, the distraction didn’t last long, my thoughts once again turning to my boss. Why couldn’t I get him to speak more than three words to me? I shouldn’t want him. Doing anything with someone you worked with was a bad idea, but I couldn’t help myself. Something about him called to me. Maybe if I found a competent Dom, I could keep my mind off the hulking way-too-sexy man before I did something I’d regret.
Not that I’d had any luck yet. I’d been to the club a few times and the men I’d met just hadn’t been what I was looking for. I’d started making friends and getting to know the staff. Dancing and flirting took the edge off my need, but I hadn’t done a scene yet to really scratch the itch.
The club was packed when I arrived, but I didn’t recognize anyone except the bartender and staff. Dottie was sipping a drink and didn’t look like she was working tonight which meant we could have some fun. Meeting the beautiful and outgoing black woman on the first tour Mari had brought me on had been a stroke of luck. She was quickly becoming a friend and kindred spirit. Maybe not recognizing people wasn’t such a bad thing. Dottie was a party animal and we would have fun regardless of whether I found someone tonight or not.
“Girl, look at you!” Dottie rushed up to me and enthusiastically grabbed one of my hands and spun me around. “That getup will certainly attract attention.”
I had chosen a flared mini skirt that would swing if I danced just right and show off the crimson thong I wore and a black and silver crop top that had a built-in shelf bra that showed off the ladies to their best advantage.
“Do you think so? I need a scene tonight, but the Doms I’ve met so far have seemed either too tamed or too strict.”
“Tough week?” Her sympathetic look told me she knew exactly what I was saying.
“More like frustrating. I don’t get it. Every country I’ve worked in I’ve found a club and played and never had any issues attracting what I wanted. Find a man for some playful freaky fun and relax. But every guy who has approached me just hasn’t clicked. They all either think I’m a Domme, or if they do think I’m a sub, are looking for someone sweet and want to ‘break’ my attitude.”
“Oh, I know the type you’re talking about. I know a few good ones I can introduce you to.”
“Maybe.” Ugh why was I hesitating? She had a similar personality, so why was I resisting having her hook me up when I wanted some relief?
Dottie gave me an appraising look. “You have your mind set on someone and they haven’t fallen for you yet. Who is it?”
Damn it. How embarrassing was it that someone I was just getting to know could see through me so easily? I sighed. Should I open up? Mari had said Dottie was a good friend to have in your corner. If she trusted her, then I guess I could too.
“Unfortunately, the one I want is unavailable.”
“Taken?” Her disapproving eyebrow was enough to make me confess more.
“No. He’s my boss. Well, I think really he’s my boss’s boss but things are weirdly unstructured so I don’t really know.”
“You work at G&H Security right? So which of the untouchable three has caught your eye?”
“Untouchable three?” I laughed, knowing who she meant. “Do they really call them that?”
“No. But it’s as good a description as any. I’ve seen Master Vidar and Váli do a scene together and would sign up as a sacrifice, well, I would once, but only to have the intense life experience. I’ve never seen them with the same woman twice. Master Heimdall is an intense mountain of man who seems somehow more intense but distant.”
Intense and distant. I couldn’t deny either of those adjectives. “Gabriel is Heimdall, but I don’t know everyone’s club names.”
“Yes, he is. Vidar is Colin and Váli is Lincoln. I think most of them usually play at Valhalla rather than here at Midgard.”