Page 12 of Master Heimdall

“You all seem very close.”

We were more than close, but it wasn’t something you could explain to someone not part of our circle. These people were the core of my life, my chosen family, and I was lucky to have them. So many people drifted apart after college, but regardless of the challenges, we’d remained loyal to one another.

I placed the photo down. “We are. Now, onto other things. Thank you for attending this morning’s interview, but after giving it some thought, I’ve come to the conclusion that the only way I’ll be satisfied that your job history can transcend into the private security world is if we test your abilities. I’ve put something together that hopefully will satisfy us both.”

“Oh? I’m definitely into mutual satisfaction.”

I didn’t miss the innuendo, and neither did my damn cock that chose that moment to harden in my pants.

I cleared my throat, and Rose smirked at me. I chose to ignore her antics, though I appreciated her attempt at softening the mood. “When we spoke earlier, I didn’t get deep into the logistics and realities of the job. While planning and logistics mostly happen on a normal nine to five schedule, there will be times you might be needed off hours for emergencies or last-minute priority placements.” I paused to make sure she understood the 24/7 nature of the job.

“That’s not a problem. I am used to putting in extra hours at odd times in extreme circumstances.”

I nodded my head. “If you are going to be unreachable for any length of time, you need to arrange a backup and inform us so that we aren’t wasting our time trying to hunt you down.”

“Understood and still not a problem.”

She smirked at me as if she thought I was trying to challenge her. Was I? Maybe. While the intelligent part of my brain wanted her to take the position, a very selfish part of me still hoped she would back down. It’s the only excuse I had for the next question I asked.

“Do you have a problem acquiring guns, rope, handcuffs, or any other items we might need?” I expected a shocked reaction, but her green eyes lit up with mischief.

“Are we talking fur-lined leather cuffs and silk jute, or police issue steel and twine?”

It happened so fast that I wasn’t sure if I’d see her pupils dilate at the mention of silk jute.

“Either way, not a problem,” she continued, “but I’m just curious as to what you prefer.”

Damn, this woman just got more interesting the more she talked. I still didn’t know if she preferred to be the one tied up or the one doing the tying, but all I could imagine was her wrapped in silk jute, head thrown back as I forced Os from her body. I cleared my throat and grabbed the laptop I’d set up for her, and the documents I’d had Legal draw up so she could see the information on the computer.

I slid the paperwork to her along with a pen. “This is a non-disclosure agreement. I need you to sign it before I show you the contents on that laptop. If you’re hired, we’ll have a lot more paperwork for you.”

She picked up the papers and began reading. “If I’m not hired yet, why must I sign this?”

“When I said mutually satisfying, I meant that I’ve devised a test for you using real-time situations that we need resolved. As that information shows the contractor information, it is considered classified and highly sensitive. We value our privacy here, Ms. Dodds, you may as well know that up front. If you successfully devise a plan for both these real-time situations within the time provided, then you’re hired.”

“And if I don’t?”

She must have finished reading through the document because she signed at the bottom with a flourish. The challenge and daring in her voice made me want to threaten to punish her. Damn it! This woman was way too tempting.

“Then I guess you aren’t what we need.” I took the paperwork, spun the laptop around, and gestured to the screen. “I have created two spreadsheets containing all the details of the jobs in question. I’ve included the location, timing, and the requests from the agents assigned. For each item, I want you to either list how you would acquire it or what additional information you would need before sourcing. On the final tab, I want an estimate for how long it would take you to complete everything on the list and any concerns or recommendations you might have for the job.”

Rose leaned forward and studied the information I’d pulled up, giving me a view down her shirt of her pale creamy skin. The perfect ivory temptation lightly dusted with a scattering of freckles. Not only did I want to know where else she had freckles, but I wanted to play connect the dots. Damn it! What type of witchcraft did the woman possess that made me unable to concentrate past the need to strip her down and make her mine? It was like I was a teenager again, with my mind completely turned to mush by raging hormones.

“How long do I have?”

I’d initially planned to give her two hours but decided I needed to make the task almost impossible if I had any hope of hanging on to my sanity. “One hour. Your time starts now, Ms. Dodds. I suggest you don’t waste any of it.”

Her smile was more a baring of teeth, as I stood to take my leave. I knew I was being an asshole, but honestly I couldn’t help it. I headed directly to Lincoln’s office under the ridiculous hope that he’d help me get my head on straight. I didn’t bother knocking before entering and pouring myself a glass of his prized twenty-six-year-old Lagavulin.

“Help yourself.”

Lincoln’s sarcastic words didn’t have much heat behind them, so I wasn’t worried he’d throw me out. My friend and business partner was always a man of few words and even less social skills than I had, preferring to stay behind a keyboard than be in front of customers.

“Thanks, I will.” I took a slow sip and enjoyed the strong smoky taste.

“Don’t you have a job you are supposed to be doing?”

“Probably, but I needed a minute and some of your expensive scotch.”